
Showing posts from May, 2020

Hotel Del Luna

Hotel Del Luna (Korean) - Chan Sung & Man Wol   I liked this show. It reminded me a little of Master's Sun in the first episode or two. I liked the relationship that grew between Chan Sung and those in the hotel. Especially from when they tried to get rid of him but he turned around and basically told them he was not going anywhere to when they all started caring for each other. Even up to the very end where they were telling each other goodbye before leaving. There were a few instances where I was scared for Chan Sung's life. One of which was when he was told about a “special” guest the hotel had. To hear that he would go crazy when he sees the guest, I was not happy. That was towards the beginning when everyone was trying to get rid of him because that would mean the hotel would close down. Another was when he collapsed after hugging an image of his friend's younger self when Man Wol was messing with the friend's memories. I was sad that Man Wol