
Showing posts from 2013


Monstar (Korean) - Sul Chan & Se Yi, Sun Woo & Na Na This was a decent show. There were a couple of things I did enjoy. The first being the music and the other being the couples. I did not care much for the lead couple which consisted of Sul Chan and Se Yi. They were cute and they did have a couple of good moments but I was not rooting for them as much as I was Sun Woo and Na Na. When I found out Na Na had feelings for Sun Woo in episode six, I was shocked and sad. Here is this girl who appears to be tough and hate everything and everyone and yet she is in love with someone. It was heartbreaking to see her cry as she tried to sing a song and she remembered moments at school when she saw him. It was also sad because she thought Sun Woo was on a date with Se Yi. Every moment I saw Sun Woo and Na Na together and it is just the two of them, I hoped that they get together. Even if it was by a long shot. And not to mention the moments where he is the one that spots her wheth

Flower Boy Next Door

Flower Boy Next Door (Korean)     I did not care all that much for this version of Flower Boy. It was nice to see a few familiar faces I have not seen in a while from other dramas. I did find the editor to be a little funny at times. Especially with her "scary" looks and also her loud voice when you are not expecting it. Other than that, there was not much to the characters.   I think I would be able to stay locked in my apartment where nobody can see me. I am like that already so it would not be a problem. As long as I was able to do my work and get paid, I would not have a problem with not leaving. Well, there would be the problem of food. If I could get someone to purchase my food and necessities, and maybe pay them for taking their time in making the run, I would live with that I think.   Unfortunately, this show just did not pull at my heartstrings or had me on the edge of my seat like many of the other dramas I have watched. And I did not care much for