
Showing posts from November, 2018

Love by Chance

Love By Chance (Thai) - Ae & Pete, Tin & Can   I never remember how I come across some of these shows but I am happy I found this one. I practically fell in love with it from the beginning. I liked watching Ae and Pete's relationship develop because Ae is a very caring guy to his friends and those who feel they are weak and Pete is a very trusting guy. I liked that Ae would always protect Pete whenever he was bullied by the guy Pete liked. And I also liked that Ae would get upset when Pete was hurt either physically or emotionally. I did enjoy watching them, but they started to take a back seat around the sixth episode when Tin and Can started to make more appearances. Now, Tin and Can, I have no words for them because their relationship was very complicated. At least, it was in my opinion. And I enjoyed watching how their relationship developed, even from the very moment they started getting into fights whether it was physically or verbally. When they first tal