Life is Beautiful, Part 2

Life is Beautiful (Korean) - Tae Sub & Kyung Soo


So, at first, I couldn't find a website that had all of the episodes. So, I decided to go from site to site, collect the URLs, and then watch the show. Well, at one point, I came across Good Drama which just happened to have all of the episodes. I was so happy! I still am! Anyway!

I can't believe how much I missed by only watching those specific scenes on YouTube. When Kyung Soo and Tae Sub were basically sneaking around (hugging each other, touching each other's shoulders, etc.) in Tae Sub's house, I found it to be beautiful. And I don't even know why. I also fiund it beautiful that they would text or call each other in the privacy of their own rooms like a couple. Of course, they are a couple. Whenever Tae Sub's step-mother or someone in the family would bring up the topic of Chae Young and what type of girl he likes, it was sad to see Tae Sub not be able to say anything. The look on his face showed that he was sad because he couldn't say that he was in love with someone, specifically a guy, thus meaning he's gay.

It was so depressing when Kyung Soo texted Tae Sub saying his father is thinking about disowning him, his ex-wife won't let their daughter see him nor will she herself see him, and that a kid of one of his sisters locked their door so that he wouldn't be able to enter. I just found it so depressing that homosexuals are treated like this. Thinking that they are dirty and monsters. TCH!

In episode 46 when Tae Sub and Kyung Soo argued, I was starting to cry a little. It's like, "Stop it! Both of you guys love each other! Don't say things to hurt each other!" I understand where Tae Sub was coming from, thinking he was getting in the way of Kyung Soo living a perfect life, but the both of them shouldn't say things to take the other down and just listen to what they have to say without being on the verge of yelling. I totally found that scene depressing.

In one of the beginning episodes, after Tae Sub told Chae Young, I'm happy that she said that she's fine with his being gay (she's Japanese and she has a couple of friends who are gay). I'm happy that she's basically going to be on his side. After his sister, Cho Rong, found out about him and Kyung Soo, she said that she wouldn't tell anyone and basically that she was on his side. He got emotional. It's because this is what he needs.

And then when Kyung Soo came over for another food photoshoot, Tae Sub's parents were accepting of the both of them. When his parents saw the both of them acting like a couple such as Kyung Soo showing Tae Sub a photo he just took and them smiling, his parents smiled. When Tae Sub and Kyung Soo were in the driveway, Kyung Soo was crying a little. When he said that he was leaving, Tae Sub got in, and they drove to the pier. While there, Kyung Soo cried even more and Tae Sub was crying some. Kyung Soo was crying because he found people who were actually caring about him. They didn't care he was gay and in love with their son. They accepted him for who he is. Tae Sub was crying because the person he loves is crying. Tae Sub knows that Kyung Soo is very happy for finding people who accept him. I found this scene to be very touching.

One thing I found sad in one of the last episodes was when Tae Sub's parents were in the kitchen, crying. His grandmother was wondering if Kyung Soo had a girlfriend and that sent both guys, Tae Sub's parents, and his brother, Ho Sub, up in arms. His mom was the first to cry, and she said that when both guys had left with smiles on their faces like nothing was wrong, it broke her heart. His dad that that this is the unfortunate world they (Tae Sub and Kyung Soo) have to live in. And they both started crying. It is so depressing to see them upset over the world because they are happy that their sone is happy and they (the parents) can't do anything to make the world accept Tae Sub and Kyung Soo for who they are.

One thing I found funny at the end of each episode was that it always ended with someone getting hurt, whether it was someone tripping over a rock, falling down the stairs, or the middle brother jumping on his older and younger brothers in order to punch the younger brother who was basically hiding behind the older one.

In the end, I loved this show a ton. I especially loved Kyung Soo and Tae Sub because their relationship showed how homosexuals in Korea have to live. They have to hide themselves from the world. I also loved that when they fought, played, or loved each other, you could feel it. Totally forgetting that this is a gay couple. I am just so sad that the show ended.


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