Tree of Heaven

Tree of Heaven (Korean) - Yoon Suh & Hana

I enjoyed this show. There were moments when it was happy and moments when it was sad. One thing I found unbelievable was the fact that every time something happened, Hana's aunt would hit her! I kept thinking that Hana just needed to turn around and get physical with her aunt rather than just taking the beatings! But no.

One thing I liked was when she went to his hotel room on his birthday. The room looked so romantic. There were a lot of candles lit and a lot of her favorite rose was spread throughout the room. When I saw the room, I was in shock. I thought I was going to die with how beautiful the room looked.

One thing that was sad was when Yoon Suh told Hana to marry Ryu. I was like, What?! You love her! She loves you! How can you tell her to marry somebody else?! And on her wedding day to Ryu, she was not happy. She couldn't even smile because she was so sad. And that made me sad because she should be marrying Yoon Suh. Not Ryu.

And then, to make it even worse, as she was placing the ring on Ryu's finger, she drops it, possibly at the exact moment you see Yoon Suh shocked because he was just stabbed. Hana runs out on the wedding and goes to look for Yoon Suh. She finds him and sees that someone is purposefully going to hit him with their vehicle. She runs to him and holds him and they both get hit. That was scary. But, that is just the beginning.

Ryu and Mika (Hana's best friend) are at the hospital and talk to the doctor who says that, most likely, Yoon Suh and Hana will not survive and that Hana needs a heart transplant. Eventually Yoon Suh wakes up and talks to Ryu. In the next scene, you see them lying in their hospital beds in rooms right next to each other. Then, you see that Hana is still in hers and Yoon Suh's is empty. I immediately thought that he died. But then I was like, Wait. Just because it's empty does not mean he died. He could still be alive! A month later, Hana arrives at the hotsprings her mother owned for her birthday. Ryu and Mika are there and Hana says something to the effect of, "Let's go in so that we can wait for Yoon Suh." Mika starts crying and the look on Ryu's face says that he doesn't want to say what he has to.

He tells her that Yoon Suh isn't going to be coming. Then he says that the person's heart she has is Yoon Suh's. That immediately made me start crying again. When Hana goes to the room that Yoon Suh had slept in two years earlier, she starts crying harder and screaming his name. That made me cry even harder to hear her scream.

Like I told Mom, I enjoyed the first nine episodes but I hated the tenth episode because of the fact that Yoon Suh was killed off. Then I told Mom that when I look for another drama to watch, I'm going to look at the recaps for the last episodes because I do not want to get involved with another drama in which one of the main characters dies. I told her that this is the third show in which one of the leads ends up dead: 49 Days, Taiyou no Uta, and this one.

I just wish that they didn't kill off Yoon Suh so that Hana and he would be able to live happily ever after. Or, if they were going to kill one of them off, kill off the other so that, even though dead, they would be together. That's the whole thing I want. Keep them together whether dead or alive.

I enjoyed the show. Just not the outcome.


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