My Girl

My Girl (Korean) - Gong Chan & Yoo Rin

This was another good drama. I liked it. It was funny when Yoo Rin lied about her boyfriend or whomever was leaving. She even had one of the attendants in the airport in tears. And then, on the plane, it was funny when she "collapsed" in front of Gong Chan.

Not only that, but later on in the series, once again they were at the airport because he was leaving to go somewhere and something was said between both of them. She pretended to be pregnant with his child and basically throw a fit and cry in front of all of the people. He ended up getting a lot of them staring at him and be like, "How can you do that to your wife?!" Even on the plane, one of the women sitting across the aisle from him was giving him a dirty look. That was so hilarious.

It was sad when she was thrown out of the house. It was also sad when he just missed her at the International Airport. There were some sad moments that I can't remember because the hilarious and serious lies outweigh the sad moments (except for when he missed her at the airport and they were seperated for two years and she was told by his grandfather to never see Gong Chan again after she was discovered being in the area again so she tried to avoid him).

All in all, I enjoyed this show.


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