49 Days

49 Days (Korean) - Han Gang & Ji Hyun, Scheduler & Ji Hyun, Scheduler/Yi Soo & Yi Kyung

I liked the couples Han Gang and Ji Hyun, and Scheduler and Ji Hyun. I didn't like Scheduler/Yi Soo and Yi Kyung as much. I admit that they had a sad story but I didn't like them as a couple so much. I had to add their photo here because if I didn't, I would have a million people jumping down my throat.

I quite enjoyed this show. I mean, I loved it. I especially loved Scheduler. He was so funny and awesome. In one of the early episodes, when Ji Hyun used her phone to call him who was at a dance club, they showed him being zapped by his phone. It was so hilarious, I shrieked with laughter. I don't think I could stop laughing for about five minutes. I hit my piano a couple of times. That's how bad I was laughing and how funny that scene was.

The only thing I didn't like about it was the last episode of it. They ended up killing Ji Hyun off. Just when she was beginning to live again, Scheduler told her that she was going to die in six days. And sure enough, she died. She didn't even get to tell Kang how she felt and he didn't get to tell her, too! It was so sad that I was crying. Unlike the other shows that I have, I am not going to get this one because the ending is so sad. Now, if she lied about the fact that she was dying or some kind of miracle happened so that she didn't die, then I would get it. But just because they killed her off, it's an absolute no. I only have shows that have happy endings.


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