Protect the Boss

Protect the Boss (Korean) - none

Unfortunately, there is not much to say about this. It was an okay show. Granted I thought that it would be a great show after watching an episode or two (a few shows took an episode or two before I started getting into them, sometimes it would take a music video of the couple (after watching the first couple of episodes) to keep me watching), but it didn't happen for me. The last five or six episodes, I just skimmed through them, looking for the main couple and not seeing much going on. So, I'm going to leave it at that.

Couple - Moo Won & Na Yoon

Okay, so, it's been forever since I wrote this post. And now it's June 30. Well, recently, I watched a video collab that used a specific couple from this show. I had to find out who the couple was and what show it also was. It was Moo Won and Na Yoon from here. So, I decided to go back through all of the episodes and watch only the scenes that had the both of them. So, here's where I continue.

I loved them so much. They were so cute together. One scene I found funny was when she had been forced to go straight home after work. Well, she was driven by her mom's goons. Before she left, he saw her getting into the car. The car she's in is stopped at a stop light and he pulls up next to it in the turning lane and calls her. He's like, "Do you want to escape?" And she's like, "Of course I want to escape!" He tells her to casually look out her window. She does and sees him there. He then tells her to calmly get out of the car and calmly get into his car when he tells her to. The turning lane light turns green and he tells her to do it now. She hangs up, casually opens the door, gets into his car, and they speed off while the goons try to stop her. Too slow, guys!!

Another scene is that when they find out their mothers were doing bad stuff (I don't know what since I'm not watching the story line but I do know that it's against Eun Seol), Na Yoon is crying over what's going on and he says that the people who should be crying is not them. Well, during their silence, she looks at him. He turns to look at her and she quickly looks ahead. He says that despite what is going on she is still looking at him. She then replies, saying that during World War I and World War II, love still happened. He says that he's not like that and laughs. She says that he can still laugh at a time like this and he says that he's speechless at her and for her to not be immature.

One scene I found happy was after a theatre performance. They leave and he asks her if she wants to return to his side as they are walking. She stops and he eventually stops several feet in front of her. She says yes and he has this shocked look on his face before turning around to face her, still in shock.

One sad scene was when he was confronting her mother. She asks Moo Won if he likes Na Yoon. Well, in Na Yoon walks who is not seen by the both of them and listens to their conversation reguarding her. She also overhears her mother ask if he likes Na Yoon and his response of no. This makes her upset. Her mother asks if he is going to mess with Na Yoon and he says he might if her mom keeps doing what she's doing. Her mom turns her head, sees Na Yoon, and calls out her name. Moo Won turns to her to see her upset. She looks at him and walks out of the room. He quickly gets out of his chair to follow her. Outside, they talk things over. Well, they don't talk it out out. It's more like a you-misunderstood-fine-okay-let's-say-I-misunderstood type of thing.

One scene that is both funny and a little hot is when they arrive at her new living quarters with him carrying bags. She gets him milk and sees him take off his suit jacket. Well, her mind goes off into the distance. She agrees to "just do it" and takes off her own jacket. She takes the glass of milk and sits it down in front of him before sitting on the edge of the table. Moo Won starts drinking before Na Yoon takes it out of his hand. She has him get up and immediately starts kissing him with passion. He kisses her back and the next scene shows them in the bedroom. Well, next thing you know, she's standing in the kitchen with this look on her face and he appears next to her and knocks on her head, bringing her back down to earth. He says that he wonders if she was thinking of doing or imagining something strange and she's all "Of course not!!" When he turns around with the glass of milk she still had, she hits her head against the wall all "Idiot! How stupid!" about herself. Talk about hi-lar-i-ous! And at the same time, it's "Awww, man!!!" Because you wish that something like that would happen between that because that means that they are to-ge-ther!!

Another sad scene was when Na Yoon waited an hour for Moo Won to show up for lunch. She was getting ready to walk away from the table before he showed up. She says that he could have called her and told her to wait but he didn't. As they are talking, he gets a phone call. As he's talking, he mouths to her to hold on a moment and then continues talking. She finally slaps her menu down onto the table, making him stop mid-sentence. He mouths for her to wait one moment. Then you see Na Yoon walking out of the restaurant with Moo Won coming out after her. When he asks why she left, she says that it's not the first time he did so (taking a phone call during a meal). After apologizing, he gets another phone call and she says that she's nothing to him. She then says she just gets in his way and that she's tired of chasing after him like a stalker, wanting him to meet her. He says that his constant phone calls are only for now and she replies that the heart is what is important. She then goes to say that he doesn't have any feelings for her. At that moment, Moo Won's phone rings again and Na Yoon says, "Forget it. Pick it up" before quickly walking away. Throughout that entire conversation, she gets more and more upset, on the verge of crying, and he gets more and more sad because here's this woman who loves him and whom he loves but his work is coming first to her and she's had enough of it.

Then, Na Yoon meets her mother who says that Moo Won wouldn't do and tells her to go on a blind date to which she agrees. Next, you see poor Na Yoon crying her eyes out and saying Moo Won is a bad guy. You see her on her date with a guy you can only describe as a biker. He has berated her "for twenty minutes" and she takes her leave. He follows her and she runs behind Moo Won who had found out she was going on a date. Moo Won tells the biker they could claim they were in a fight and holds up a fist. Biker points two fingers like a gun and says, "Scissor. You win," and walks away. Moo Won lets out a very small laugh that he couldn't hold in before putting on a calm face. Outside, he asks if ever saw somebody else besides Na Yoon and she says no. He asks if he ever went on a blind date like her and she also says no. He asks if he said that he would be busy because of work and she says yes for the first time. He also asks if he met her when she wanted to see him and she once again says yes. He asks whose fault it is and she says, "I think I did wrong maybe a little bit."

On a happier note, after their mothers were fighting one another, Moo Won took his mother home and said that when she got in to go to bed. His mother asks if he's not going in and he says that there's another woman he has to comfort. She thinks for a second and then shouts something like "You can't see Na Yoon!" He just smiles, probably thinking about Na Yoon. You then see the young couple sitting next to each other. He reminds her about what she had said that during war, love still happens and that they are in a similar situation. After he says they could continue seeing each other, she asks if, "finally," he has the same feelings for her. He says, "What 'finally'?" and she says, "Moo Won" while tears come to her eyes and she scoots closer to him on the bench. After she lays her head on his shoulder, he wraps an arm around her, and they both smile.

A good scene is when Na Yoon's relaxing on her front room floor reading a magazine when she gets a phone call from Moo Won who tells her he's coming over to her house. She smiles after hanging up and looks next to her. She's like, "Oh, crap! I have to clean up!" You get a view of her front room and it is a mess. She runs around, cleaning and then she walks in with a few bags of groceries. She tries to cook for him but ends up knocking stuff off of the counter and in he walks, seeing the mess on the kitchen floor and in the sink. He says he'll show her his secret hobby and he ends up cooking for the both of them. After dinner, they have a glass of wine. He asks if she will stay with him if he walks down a hard road. She asks why he can't propose properly and hugs him. He says that he is proposing but they can't get married yet because she still has to grow up.

In the end, while the both of them are sitting on the floor, Na Yoon asks Moo Won when they can get married and he stretches his hand above their heads and says that she needs to be this tall. She gets on her knees and hits the palm of his hand with her head. When she asks when they can get married, he stretches his hand further up and she keeps on hitting his hand. She then says, "Let's marry!" and they do a double high five. She says that she has grown and he says that she needs to grow a little more and she kind of shrieks no. During that whole "growing up" scene, they smile and laugh. In the end, they would so obviously get married.

So, with having said that, I'm glad I got to see them have their happily ever after, even if I only watched the scenes with them which is due to a video on YouTube. But I'm still not going to watch this show. Now, I will be looking for another drama to watch since I haven't started one when I ended Goong on Wednesday.


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