Myung Wol, the Spy

Myung Wol, the Spy (Korean) - Choi Ryu & In Ah

There's not much to say about this show. The main couple didn't attract me as much as I thought it would. And obviously it was all about North Korea wanting this "great" actor from South Korea to be an actor for them. Eventually the female North Korean agent falls in love with the South Korean actor who happens to love her in return. Didn't much attract me.

Now, the couple that didn't start out as a couple. Choi Ryu, a North Korean agent, acts as a bodyguard for In Ah who is from South Korea. Through little things here and there, you can see them getting over themselves and start liking each other.

I hated the last episode of this show because Myung Wol and Choi Ryu end up in an accident that propels them off of a cliff and their car catches on fire. Well, one year later, Myung Wol shows up without a scar on her and ends up marrying the actor. Well, at their wedding, In Ah leaves for her car as soon as the two are done kissing. When she gets to it, her handkerchief is underneath a wiper blade. She picks it up and looks around. Showing her from a distance, you see someone walk into the frame close to the camera with the person facing In Ah. The camera moves up from the middle of the back to the head and you see that it is Choi Ryu, though you don't see his face. And his arm and neck show burn scars on them. Then, he turns around and leaves. And that's the end of those two. I just wish that they would have ended up together. Hopefully In Ah wouldn't have cared if Choi Ryu was marked.


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