EXO Next Door

EXO Next Door (Korean)

What can I say?! I liked this drama. I am glad that the episodes were short because I was able to watch all sixteen episodes in just a few hours (They were about fifteen minutes long.). I came across it by watching fan-made videos. It is a long story (It has not been forty-eight hours since I started my long trek!) as to how I got into EXO in the first place but in the end I watched a video where the creator finally said what footage they used (EXO Next Door). So, I just had to watch it.

I did not particular care for the love story that was going on between Chan Yeol, Yeon Hee, and D.O and how that changed Chan Yeol and D.O's relationship. I was more into the group storyline where four of the members move into a house and how their relationship is with each other. I wish that the other eight members lived in the house too so that I could see how their relationship as a whole was. But at least I got to see them once in a blue moon for a couple of minutes. I think I prefer the show without having any love stories in it than with it. I think that it should have been a story about the relationships between all of the EXO members. Just my personal opinion! But then obviously it would not be called EXO Next Door. Well, they could keep the title and still have EXO sneaking into the house that they just bought. Rather than it just be four members, it would be all twelve! But then there is their show: EXO's Showtime. And that shows the relationship between all twelve members. Well, they could make a drama about their relationship with each other! Getting off topic. Anyway!

I did like the ending though. It was funny that there was a box of rice cakes sitting on the counter and after taking a couple of bites out of one, Yeon Hee started coughing and someone handed her a bottle of water. When she looks up, there's six EXO members: The four that were in the show since the beginning and two others. I just found it funny that the show ended like how it almost began. I knew when she made her way into the kitchen and saw the box of rice cakes that she was going to do the exact same thing. I was expecting to see the four members but not six. After thinking about it, it would have been nice to see all twelve members at the end.

Well, what can I say? I will take what I can get!


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