Matching! Boys Archery

Matching! Boys Archery (Korean)

It has been some time since I last watched a drama, and I must say that I enjoyed it even though it only had eight episodes and approximately fifteen to twenty minutes long. That is because it is a web drama. I discovered it by watching fanmade videos to which I knew I had to find out the story behind these videos.

I found Hong Shi Ah to have quite an imagination which was funny. First, when she opened a drawer in her apartment which had boys love books in it, I had to go back because I thought my eyes were deceiving me since most of South Korea rejects the idea of two men or women being together (although people are slowly changing their minds). Turns out I did see what I thought I saw. Which is okay.

It was funny that whenever she saw two of the team members doing something such as tripping or relaxing against each other, there goes her mind, imagining what would happen in her web comic. Her favorite people are Seung Joon and Ji Wan. That is only because their relationship is so good that there may be something romantic brewing between the two of them. She is seeing something that may or may not be there. At the very least, Seung Joon should have feelings for Ji Wan because of his facial expressions or by the way he reacts to something.

When one of the members discovers what she is up to and calls her out on it, he says that the drawings she made of multiple couples of the team are weird and not normal. She says that it's not abnormal for two people of the same sex to be in love with each other. She is absolutely correct because I think love does not discriminate between age, race, religion, and everything else. No one can help who they fall in love with. Love is love.

In the end, everybody lives happily ever after. Finally, I really did enjoy this. It was cute, funny, and good. And I am happy that Korea is slowly allowing anything that deals with/includes homosexuality to be viewed, whether it is on the TV or the Internet.


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