Not Me: The Series

Not Me: The Series (Thai) - Sean & White

I enjoyed this show a lot. Honestly, it had me guessing a lot and also had me on the edge of my seat. To help with keeping a couple of characters straight, White will stay White when he is being himself, Black stays Black, and "Black" will be when White is pretending to be Black. 

There were many times I wished White told Sean he was not Black rather than let him keep guessing. If White was honest, if not from the beginning but the night they kissed, Sean would not have been beat up by Black for thinking he was White.

I loved the scene when Sean confronted Black about not being the "Black" Sean's known for the past several weeks. It all started with the smoking and escalated to them throwing punches. There were times Sean tested "Black" and the reaction was not the same as Black so I think the fighting was the final test. My reasoning is that "Black" could not fight to save his life while Black was a fighter. In knowing this, he knew Black was back and "Black" was gone. And I loved it when Sean told Black there was no way he was going to be kept from White and demanded to know where he was.

Just for Sean and White, I loved how their relationship progressed. There were times I wanted to yell at White or smack Sean, but just seeing what they went through was good. Including the results of getting burned, getting beaten up by Black, or being shot at.

The friendship White created with Sean, Gumpa, Gram, and Yok while pretending to be Black was nice. I do not think they were very friendly before White came along. They may have called each other friends to other people but I do not think they acted that way. I believe a lot of good came to the group when White showed up. It may have taken time but it got there.

I also liked how far White as a person has come. Just like within the first few episodes leading up to his fight with his and Black's dad, White basically blindly followed. He did what he was told to do, he said what he was told to say... It all came to a point when someone was chatting with him (not knowing who White was) and said that people with connections get positions in a business or government rather than someone who has worked so hard to try to get it but ultimately failed (due to the person with connections). This led to White being told by their dad that White passed the interview regardless of how blunt his answers were and that if he were anybody else, he "would have failed". Since joining Black's group, White has seen how oppressed ordinary citizens were and is looking to make change for the better.

There were times I felt bad for Black and times I wanted to beat him up myself. When he ended up in a coma because of Todd, I was sad. He should not have gone through that just because he wanted to change things. When he woke up and met up with Sean, I wanted to beat Black for hurting Sean. He should not have done that. The couple of times Black met up with Todd after waking, I was nervous for Black. The first time was because I thought he was dead since Todd was trying to drown him in the pool. Then Todd pulled Black up after a minute of him not moving and proceeded to point a gun in Black's face! I thought Todd was going to shoot him!  The second time, I thought for sure Todd was going to pull the trigger and kill Black. But, I was happy to find out later that Black did to Todd what he did to him in the first episode.

One thing I wish would have been explained or finalized was if Sean's dad was innocent or guilty. Everybody was saying Sean's dad was a drug smuggler and because of connections, it stayed that way. After seeing how he reacted to being told to run and also Sean and White finding drugs stored in water heaters, he may be innocent. He may have been running product (water heaters) from a plant to a store (Wal-Mart) without thinking, "Oh, I'm running drugs from here to there. If I get caught, I'm bailing." Who would think that? I do not think my first thought would be smuggling drugs. It would be actual product. I just wish there was a definitive answer on whether Sean's dad was innocent or guilty.

Overall, I enjoyed this show even though I could skip the Yok and Dan story line. I liked the ups, the downs, and the development of White and Sean's relationship. Also, this shows the reality of some countries (Thailand in the show) or groups of people (celebrities (college scandal from a few years back) or the supposed "president" (his son)) living in the world today. If there is one thing anyone can take away from this show, it is that it was eye-opening. 


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