Kiss Me

Kiss Me (Thai) - TenTen & Taliw

I enjoyed watching this show like I have enjoyed watching many others. Kiss Me is the Thai version of Itazurana Kiss. Some of the elements are the same such as Taliw and her dad live with TenTen and his family, and he wants to become a doctor while she wants to be a nurse. Aspects of it that I did not care for were that the two of them knew each other when they were kids, their parents knew how they felt for one another, Taliw accepting King's proposal, and one of Taliw's friends becoming a nurse. I do not have a problem with the creators doing things their own way, I just did not care for them changing things.

One of the things they changed that I did find funny though was when TenTen had to tutor Taliw. When he first went to her room, she was wearing a dress. When she got up and turned towards him, he stood there in shock at how beautiful she looked. I found it funny because he was in complete shock, and it did take a couple of minutes for him to snap out of it. Another part was when he was feeling hot because of how she looked, she tried to feel if he had a fever, and he kept on trying to avoid her. All the way to the point of them falling off of the bed.

I also loved TenTen's mother. She made just about everything funny. I especially loved it when she tried to get her kids to do something or when they did something she didn't like so she would pull their ears or threaten them with something.

I found it to be very sad when he was sad because of another girl he knew years prior was returning, and also because he was losing Taliw to King. What started the whole thing of TenTen and Taliw being sad was because the girl was returning and TenTen felt he had to push Taliw away. This obviously resulted in them being upset and her trying to find comfort in King even though she knew she would never be happy with him.

I am so happy that, in the end, TenTen and Taliw got together. And, it has an excellent song called, “Kiss Me”, that Mike and Aom who play TenTen and Taliw perform together.


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