
Showing posts from 2022

Cinderella with Four Knights

  Cinderella with Four Knights (Korean) - Ha Won & Ji Woon Originally, I did not watch this show, skipping past it whenever I was looking for something to watch. A few days, ago, I saw it on Netflix and watched the short clip they showed when it's on a show for a period of time. I saw the clip and figured, "I will just check it out. I highly doubt I am going to like it." Suffice to say, I was wrong. I enjoyed how hard Ha Won tried to accomplish the tasks given to her by the grandfather. It showed how hard she would work while living with the upper class rather than having to try to skate by in life. These tasks led me to enjoying the interactions between her and the Kang cousins more and more. As the show progressed, I saw Ji Woon slowly change because of Ha Won. Obviously not because of any feelings that would develop but because she was honest, trying to make the guys get along, and also because she cared about each of them. I think the thing I enjoyed most, in a w

Business Proposal

Business Proposal (Korean) - Tae Moo & Ha Ri, and Sung Hoon & Young Seo This was a good show. Plus, I enjoyed watching both couples get together. At the end of the first episode, I predicted Tae Moo and Ha Ri would end up together as would Sung Hoon and Young Seo. I know that it's a cliche storyline, but I do enjoy cliches if it's portrayed well. I liked seeing Ha Ri run around, switching between herself and this other person. It was funny when she met up with Tae Moo for a blind date and did everything possible to get him to dislike her but it backfired. I also liked when he found out and he did what he could to make her life miserable, especially awarding her at a ceremony and inviting this person to the event. I also liked when Tae Moo kept saying he was not going to go on anymore blind dates (even after "breaking up" with the other identity) because he found the person he wanted to marry. At first, it was because Ha Ri was funny but then he got to know mo

Not Me: The Series

Not Me: The Series (Thai) - Sean & White I enjoyed this show a lot. Honestly, it had me guessing a lot and also had me on the edge of my seat. To help with keeping a couple of characters straight, White will stay White when he is being himself, Black stays Black, and "Black" will be when White is pretending to be Black.  There were many times I wished White told Sean he was not Black rather than let him keep guessing. If White was honest, if not from the beginning but the night they kissed, Sean would not have been beat up by Black for thinking he was White. I loved the scene when Sean confronted Black about not being the "Black" Sean's known for the past several weeks. It all started with the smoking and escalated to them throwing punches. There were times Sean tested "Black" and the reaction was not the same as Black so I think the fighting was the final test. My reasoning is that "Black" could not fight to save his life while Black wa

TharnType: The Series/TharnType 2: 7 Years of Love

 TharnType: The Series / TharnType 2: 7 Years of Love  (Thai) - Tharn & Type I watched both seasons of TharnType ( TharnType: The Series and TharnType 2: 7 Years of Love ) back to back (more like skimmed through the first season because I have already seen it) and actually enjoyed it. Also, I can't believe that the final episode or two left me with tears in my eyes. In the first season, when Type found out Tharn was gay, I thought it was rude of Type to do everything he could (after not being able to switch rooms) to get Tharn to move out. Especially when he trashed Tharn's side of the room. But, I did like it when Tharn got back at him by trashing Type's side as well. There were a couple of times when Tharn flirted Type (though Type did not like it). The first was when Tharn stood up slowly inches from Type after picking something up at Type's feet. The second was when Tharn told Type that he was not going to lure him with food and proceeded to drink from a wate