Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss (Korean) - Seung Jo & Ha Ni
I also loved this. Yes, this is a version of Itazura na Kiss. I loved Baek Seung Jo. He was so hot!! Whenever he smiled, I was fanning myself. What can I say about him? Oh! And he can play the guitar and sing! Talk about stealing my heart. So, anyway!
One scene I loved between Seung Jo and Ha Ni is episode four when the family and Ha Ni's friends are at the beach. She goes in to rescue Eun Jo and ends up nearly drowning too because she doesn't know how to swim. Well, Seung Jo goes to save her (one of Ha Ni's friends goes to save Eun Jo). When he is walking her onto the beach, he's yelling at her to stay still, they trip, fall, and she lands on him and clings to him. Oh! Talk about how romantic! And another scene from that episode is when they are all going to the beach and they play a word game on the RV. The last word of a saying somebody says is the first word of a saying the next person says. Well, one of the girls says the Korean version of crystal clear. It's Ha Ni's turn and when she runs out of time, she says, "Baek Seung Jo jang," or "Baek Seung Jo's the best" or something like that.
Between the way his hair is in the first six or seven episodes compared to the rest of the season, I prefer the way his hair is at the beginning. But anyway, I can't remember what else I loved or what was sad. So, I'm going to leave this right here.
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