You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful (Korean) - Tae Kyung & Mi Nam/Mi Nyu
I loved this show. I loved the music and the trouble that Mi Nam/Mi Nyu causes Tae Kyung, Shin Woo, and Jeremy. Because Mi Nyu's brother, Mi Nam, is in America for eye surgery, she has to pretend to be him. So funny.
One scene I love that doesn't happen between Tae Kyung and "Mi Nam" happens between her and Jeremy. When she arrives to the house, she meets Jeremy on the patio. Well, he takes a hose and sprays her. At one point, she shakes her hair and it's like those lame commercials on TV where the women shake their hair. Well, anyway, Jeremy is "captivated" and then says something. As he is just about to spray "Mi Nam" again, he himself ends up getting sprayed. This time by Shin Woo who has a hose. When "Mi Nam" rushes to get into the house, Jeremy starts to get up and ends up getting sprayed again. Talk about funny.
Another funny scene involves Tae Kyung, Shin Woo, Jeremy, and Yoo He Yi, whom everybody hates. She makes them cook something for her to eat. When she is not paying attention to them talking when she sits down to eat, Shin Woo says that he added salt to the food. Jeremy then says that he added sugar. Tae Kyung says that he also added something but he doesn't say what. "Mi Nam" comes in and the guys are like, Gosh, dang it. Why did you have to come in now?! He Yi tells "Mi Nam" that she's not hungry anymore and for her to eat it. When she sits down to eat it, Jeremy is like, "No! Heh, heh. I'll eat it for you." He sits down and begins to eat. He then says something like, "Hyung," which means older brother, "vinegar?!" Tae Kyung's expression is like, Great. I'm sorry. Then you see that Tae Kyung added a whole bottle of vinegar. When I watched that scene, I laughed so hard that I was probably crying.
But between Tae Kyung and "Mi Nam," there were happy, funny, and sad moments. I remember this one sad moment when they are both wearing red. Well, she decides to leave and they break up, leaving them both crying and heartbroken. I'd say that Tae Kyung was even more heartbroken. I mean, when you would see him crying, you couldn't help feeling like your heart was breaking.
In the end, at a concert, he sang her her dad's song dedicated to his wife. After it was over, he searched for her. When he found her, he confessed that he loves her. They ended up together and I was so happy.
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