Shut Up Flower Boy Band

Shut Up Flower Boy Band (Korean) - Hyun Soo & Ye Rim, Do Il & Woo Kyung

This was a good show. I mean, some of the music was great. I just found one of the couples get exhausting almost pretty fast for me. The couple was with Ji Hyuk and Soo Ah. I think it's because one of the six band members, Byung Hee, liked her first and such. I don't know. Anyway, speaking of the old band member... At the end of the second episode (and the beginning of the third), Byung Hee was badly injured and ended up getting killed by a truck right in front of the other five band members. Even though he was only in the show for a couple of episodes, it was sad when he was killed. Yes, I was in tears. Unfortunately, for me, the band did not get much revenge on the death of their friend. Now, for the couples I liked. Do Il and Woo Kyung are such a cute couple. Whenever Woo Kyung was hanging all over Ji Hyuk or something, Do Il would turn his eyes away from the both of them because he liked her and he didn't want to see her hanging all over one of his friends. Towards the end, she finally realized his feelings for her after he kisses her when she worries over him having gotten hurt. I was happy that they got together (though not officially officially). Hyun Soo and Ye Rim were so awesome. Their first meeting was when Hyun Soo was rushing to get to a concert the band was performing at and Ye Rim's truck almost hit him. Thankfully he jumped out of the way because then he would have been the second member dead in under a month. Anyway, her truck stopped and she got out to help him or check to see if he was okay. Eventually, he began liking her (she liked him when she first met him). They sang a duet and they each smiled and looked at each other when the other was not looking. In the end, they got together, even when the press thought they were already dating because they were hanging out so much and Ye Rim asked the company manager if she and Hyun Soo should actually start dating. In the end, they ended up together (another couple that's not officially officially). In the end, after watching this show, I enjoyed some of the music and the two couples that I like. Other than that, it was kind of pointless for me to watch. I was kind of expecting it to be like Heartstrings where there was a lot of music. Instead, this show was mostly about the relationships and the dramas of life. Not much to do with music except recording, practicing, and performing. At least I have I few songs I am taking away from the show.


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