Wild Romance

Wild Romance (Korean) - Moo Yul & Eun Jae

This was an amazing drama. There were parts I found funny. One example was when Moo Yul was hit by an egg in which Eun Jae had dodged because he was making fun of the baseball team she was a fan of. Other than that, this drama was a mystery type of drama.

Someone was sending photos of Moo Yul's eyes stabbed to people he had some sort of connection with so that they would do the dirty work. Well, eventually, we find out that it was the maid! I know. Totally Clue. Anyway, she was a total psychopath. In her home, all of the walls in one of the bedrooms were covered in photos of Moo Yul. Talk about stalker!

When his ex-girlfriend came back, it was sad because Eun Jae was feeling jealous and if something happened, she would feel like she was barging in with just her presence. But, we do see him develop feelings for her and everyone else can see it except those two.

In the fifteenth episode, the maid kidnaps the ex and Eun Jae. At the end of the episode, she pushes both of them into the pool while both are tied, gagged, and have a bag over their heads while he watches. Don't worry. He jumps in to rescue them. In the beginning of the sixteenth episode, we see Moo Yul rescue Eun Jae. At the end of the episode, he remembers that he had a hard time telling who was who. This is because Eun Jae was changed into the ex's clothes but still had her green shoes on. The ex was wearing Eun Jae's clothes but had her pink shoes on. Who was who?! Eventually, the shoes told who was who.

In the epilogue (which is probably only two weeks or so after the main story line), Eun Jae, her brother, her father, and her friend and her friend's boyfriend are at a baseball game between the family's team (Seagulls) and Moo Yul's team (Dreamers). The friend and boyfriend decide to sit on the Dreamers' side while her family sit on the Seagull's side. Question is is where will Eun Jae sit? She grew up being a fan of the Seagulls and she has a boyfriend who plays on the Dreamers. Well, in the end, she chooses to sit behind home base because, I mean, how can you choose? I would do the same thing if I was in her position that way I wouldn't be choosing sides. You're cheering for your boyfriend while at the same time cheering for your family's team.

All in all, this was an excellent drama filled with excitement, mystery, drama, love, laughter, and tears. Kawaii!!


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