
Showing posts from June, 2012


Goong (Korean) - Shin & Chae Kyung I enjoyed this show. Amazingly, I think this is the first show I've watched (at least in a long time or out of all of the Korean dramas so far) where the two main characters aren't "I love you so very much, ----!" "I love you to, ----!" Heck, they didn't tell each other that they loved one another until the twenty-third episode, which is out of twenty-four! So!, their confessions were basically saved until the end. One thing I liked was when Shin and Chae Kyung were at the beach. Just the two of them. They were having fun and he kept taking photos of her. One photo was when they were reclined in the back of the car (No! Nothing like that happened! They were just relaxing!) and he took a photo when she wasn't paying attention. One thing I didn't like, which is part of his character, is when Shin was always mean to Chae Kyung to which she would cry. I think one incident was towards the beginning of her l

Secret Garden

Secret Garden (Korean) - Joo Won & Ra Im I enjoyed this show. It was funny when Joo Won and Ra Im switched bodies because they were in shock and seeing things that they would never see scared them. An example is when Ra Im in Joo Won's body sees Oska while in the steam bath. When she saw him, s"he" screamed. One sad thing was that Ra Im was in an accident and the doctor said something like she was or almost brain dead. Joo Won took her from the hospital and went somewhere where it was raining. When it would rain, they would switch bodies. Well, in the hospital, Joo Won wakes up and we find out that it was Ra Im who woke up with means that Joo Won in Ra Im's body was still unconscious. Eventually, they do go back to their original bodies but it is unfortunate that Joo Won has forgotten everything. He thinks it's only been a few days since the accident when he was twenty-one. In the last episode, he finally remembers everything. After he looks at

Personal Taste

Personal Taste (Korean) - Jin Ho & Gae In I loved this show. One thing that made me sad was that Jin Ho lied to Gae In. He said to her he never loved her. He also said that he did in fact use her to find her father's blueprints when he actually never used her. That whole scene between them was sad. One thing that made me happy was when they made up. Another part was when he kissed the back of her neck. A third thing that made me happy was when he proposed to her. Kids were running up to her with balloons. Eventually, he walked up to her with a balloon and held it out to her. She takes it and he says that he's proposing. She lets all of the balloons go. He's in shock because the balloon he gave her had an engagement ring tied to it. He's basically like, "Why did you let them go?!" She's like, "Well, how was I supposed to know?! Why did you do that?!" "I wanted it to be special!" I thought that it was a sweet way to propose. It&#

Can You Hear My Heart

Can You Hear My Heart (Korean) - Dong Joo & Woo Ri I enjoyed this show. One part I found funny was when Woo Ri's father head butted the bad guy in the gut right in front of everyone! Including the photographers and writers for the newspapers and magazines. There were a few things I found sad. One was that Ma Roo left the family for sixteen years. Another is that the grandmother had Alzheimer's and also a tumor so she always kept thinking her kids were younger and that she didn't have grandkids . A third was when she died and everyone was at the burial site and they all cried. Oh, another is that Ma Roo actually saw for the first time his grandmother forgetting the time period and also that he was so mean to her at one point when he was getting revenge on everybody who had wronged him. Specifically his biological parents and his "mother" who is actually Dong Joo's mother. Another sad thing is that Woo Ri's mother, Mi Sook , died of, I'

Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (Korean) - Chi Soo & Eun Bi I loved this drama. It was funny whenever Chi Soo tormented Eun Bi with things such as "I'm going to..." (What?! You're going to what?! Kiss her?!) "I'm going to date you" and leans in for a kiss but then he ends up kissing her forehead or cheek rather than her lips. Talk about a total let down. Okay, so, this is how they met: She's getting ready to leave the bathroom stall (she opens the door) and in he comes (running from his father's goons). He says the mole on her cheek is pretty. Rather than leaning in to kiss her on the lips, he kisses her cheek! There were several times where it seemed like he'd kiss her. But no-o-o! And there were two scenes that had my stomach jumping with butterflies. The first is when he drags her out of the theater. He kisses her so passionately. The second is when he isn't fed kimchi so he goes after her to get a taste. He grabs her hand (which h

King 2 Hearts

King 2 Hearts (Korean) - Jae Ha & Hang Ah, Shi Kyung & Jae Shin To start off, I only had two episodes to go in this drama. Before I wanted to go to bed this morning, I wanted to watch some videos on Jae Ha and Hang Ah and then Shi Kyung and Jae Shin. Well, I watched one video on Shi Kyung and Jae Shin that was put to the song "Love Song Requiem" by Trading Yesterday. Towards the end, they show the bad guy have a gun and shoot Shi Kyung . They show him die in Jae Ha's arms and when Jae Shin finds out, she is crying so much. She takes his dog tag out of a small box and cries. And Hang Ah has her arms wrapped around Jae Shin and both of them (especially Jae Shin) are crying. When I saw him get shot and die, I started bawling. I mean, I wanted the both of them to live happily ever after. I mean, he only just kissed her the day before! They were looking to spend their futures together (though they haven't said anything and Jae Shin was the only one to

Stars Falling From the Sky

Stars Falling From the Sky (Korean) - Kang Ha & Pal Kang I got very lucky on this show. Remember how I was checking the last episode of dramas to see if it had happy endings or not because I could not watch another drama in which one of the main characters dies? Well, I forgot to do that on this one. Let's just say I did get lucky on this one. This was excellent. It was funny, sad, scary, et cetera . I found it quite enjoyable. It was sad when Pal Kang found herself caring for her five siblings, one of them a baby ( Joo Hwang , No Rang, Cho Rok , Pa Rang, and Nam Yi ). It was also sad that she had to hide them in Kang Ha's house because if they were found out they could have been thrown out. Another thing that was sad was when her unknown cousin, Jae Young, blackmailed Kang Ha into marrying her because he didn't know that his brother, Joon Ha, knew they were only half-brothers. When Kang Ha is so in love with Pal Kang , he has to give her up to protect Joo