
Goong (Korean) - Shin & Chae Kyung

I enjoyed this show. Amazingly, I think this is the first show I've watched (at least in a long time or out of all of the Korean dramas so far) where the two main characters aren't "I love you so very much, ----!" "I love you to, ----!" Heck, they didn't tell each other that they loved one another until the twenty-third episode, which is out of twenty-four! So!, their confessions were basically saved until the end.

One thing I liked was when Shin and Chae Kyung were at the beach. Just the two of them. They were having fun and he kept taking photos of her. One photo was when they were reclined in the back of the car (No! Nothing like that happened! They were just relaxing!) and he took a photo when she wasn't paying attention.

One thing I didn't like, which is part of his character, is when Shin was always mean to Chae Kyung to which she would cry. I think one incident was towards the beginning of her living at the palace and she missed her family. He basically made fun of her and she cried. Throughout the entire show, he was mean to her and she cried. He also didn't take care of her whether that was watching for her safety or making sure she was alright after a fall. One such incident was at Yul's birthday party. She burnt herself on wax and she went to go put water on it. Well, the brick slab she was getting ready to step off of slipped and she fell onto Yul. Yul made sure she was okay but Shin did not get out of his chair to see if she was fine. Whenever Chae Kyung was with Yul, you would see Shin was jealous, even if she was only putting a band aid on a cut Yul received. Shin was always jealous.

There were funny parts throughout the entire show. One thing that was funny was in the last minute of the twenty-fourth episode when Chae Kyung was getting ready to vomit. Her and Shin looked like they were trying to remember when they were together. I have an idea because it was the only time they were together on their own account. I found that scene funny just because of the look on both of their faces.

There were a lot of other things that I liked, loved, laughed at, hated, and found sad but I'm going to keep it at that because this is getting long. And I probably won't look for another drama to watch in the next day or day and a half because I need to get things ready for my very last day at my internship. But that's another post for a different blog.


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