Secret Garden

Secret Garden (Korean) - Joo Won & Ra Im

I enjoyed this show. It was funny when Joo Won and Ra Im switched bodies because they were in shock and seeing things that they would never see scared them. An example is when Ra Im in Joo Won's body sees Oska while in the steam bath. When she saw him, s"he" screamed.

One sad thing was that Ra Im was in an accident and the doctor said something like she was or almost brain dead. Joo Won took her from the hospital and went somewhere where it was raining. When it would rain, they would switch bodies. Well, in the hospital, Joo Won wakes up and we find out that it was Ra Im who woke up with means that Joo Won in Ra Im's body was still unconscious. Eventually, they do go back to their original bodies but it is unfortunate that Joo Won has forgotten everything. He thinks it's only been a few days since the accident when he was twenty-one. In the last episode, he finally remembers everything.

After he looks at The Little Mermaid paper that Ra Im put in his Alice in Wonderland book, he starts remembering things: starting this the most recent memories and going back in time to when he saw her at the hospital's funeral room. It was sad when the "accident" he was involved in ended up being a fire in which he was stuck in an elevator (thus his claustrophobia) and her father dying saving him.

One thing that made me mad was that Joo Won's mom constantly tried to keep him and Ra Im apart. Even in the epilogue, which is five years later, his mom still did not agree to their getting together. I'm glad that Joo Won disobeyed his mother and married Ra Im. I found it cute they had three kids.

In the end, this show was funny at parts with some sadness spread throughout and I loved it. I can't wait to see what the next drama brings.


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