Can You Hear My Heart

Can You Hear My Heart (Korean) - Dong Joo & Woo Ri

I enjoyed this show. One part I found funny was when Woo Ri's father head butted the bad guy in the gut right in front of everyone! Including the photographers and writers for the newspapers and magazines.

There were a few things I found sad. One was that Ma Roo left the family for sixteen years. Another is that the grandmother had Alzheimer's and also a tumor so she always kept thinking her kids were younger and that she didn't have grandkids. A third was when she died and everyone was at the burial site and they all cried. Oh, another is that Ma Roo actually saw for the first time his grandmother forgetting the time period and also that he was so mean to her at one point when he was getting revenge on everybody who had wronged him. Specifically his biological parents and his "mother" who is actually Dong Joo's mother. Another sad thing is that Woo Ri's mother, Mi Sook, died of, I'm guessing, smoke inhalation. The factory she worked at had caught fire and the bad guy ordered the doors to close even though he knew someone was still in there. She died at the hospital in front of the entire family.

There were a couple of things that scared me. One of which happened continuously in several of the last episodes. The first scary thing is that the factory had caught on fire for a second time. This time it was on purpose. Because Dong Joo was going to tell everyone the bad guy had killed a couple of people, the bad guy pretended to be Ma Roo and had Dong Joo go to the factory to meet "Ma Roo". Well, he goes and ends up following this guy he believes to be Ma Roo. He ends up locked in an office and the guy throws a lighter and the building catches on fire. Ma Roo, who finds out from the bad guy, immediately calls Dong Joo but can't get through. He calls Woo Ri and Woo Ri and their father rush to the factory. He goes inside and looks for Dong Joo. Ma Roo pulls up and joins the search, locking Woo Ri out so that she doesn't get hurt. Both men find where Dong Joo is and they try to get him out. One of the light fixtures ends up falling from its position and sparks end up showing. Ma Roo ends up hurting his eyes. A row of shelves ends up toppling over and hits their dad.

The three of them do end up getting out alive. Dong Joo collapsed outside of the factory and doesn't wake up until in the hospital, probably because of the smoke inhalation. Ma Roo and Woo Ri's dad is shown with his left arm in a sling. They show Ma Roo and his eyes are bandaged. Hopefully he doesn't lose his sight because they show him being carted towards surgery and then when he's in his room. Well, anyway, the bandages comes off and he can see! Yay! I was so scared throughout that entire piece where you find out that "Ma Roo" on the phone was actually the bad guy fooling Dong Joo all the way to Ma Roo being able to see. Whew! Talk about a close call.

The second thing that scared me was that when Ma Roo wanted revenge, something would happen between him and someone such as his biological father and he would sit out in his car and Ma Roo just had this evil look on his face. His look was so scary each and every time that if looks could literally kill, you would have been dead a million years ago. Trust me, that look always scared the crap out of me when I would see it.

One thing I loved was when was when Ma Roo, who had promised Little Mi Sook (Woo Ri) that he would return when they were younger, actually returned to the house. On top of that, after sixteen years, in which his adoptive father had put aside rice for all of those years for when he would return, Ma Roo took the very first bite of his father's delicious rice and almost everyone in the room clapped and cheered which made Ma Roo smile.

There are a few things that I'm sad about that occurred between Ma Roo and his step-mom, Mi Sook. One sad thing is that he treated her badly. Another sad thing is that when Mi Sook was dying, he was upset. He had tears in his eyes but he didn't cry. When at the police station, he found out she died because she had gone back to her locker to get the watch she had bought for him because his other one broke. He was dumbfounded. One thing that might not be related but I would like to think is is that when Ma Roo found Woo Ri taking a Sign Language class, he started to get emotional. Heck, he turned his back to the camera and you could see him wipe his eyes. If he was only thinking that Woo Ri would be able to do some good in the world or that he is seeing her taking a college course, I would like to think that it reminded him of Mi Sook because she couldn't hear or speak very well. She could only sign. That would go to show that he misses her, though he might not say anything.

All in all, I enjoyed this show. Even though the death of the grandmother and everyone at the site were crying made me bawl. Time to search for another drama!


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