King 2 Hearts

King 2 Hearts (Korean) - Jae Ha & Hang Ah, Shi Kyung & Jae Shin

To start off, I only had two episodes to go in this drama. Before I wanted to go to bed this morning, I wanted to watch some videos on Jae Ha and Hang Ah and then Shi Kyung and Jae Shin. Well, I watched one video on Shi Kyung and Jae Shin that was put to the song "Love Song Requiem" by Trading Yesterday. Towards the end, they show the bad guy have a gun and shoot Shi Kyung. They show him die in Jae Ha's arms and when Jae Shin finds out, she is crying so much. She takes his dog tag out of a small box and cries. And Hang Ah has her arms wrapped around Jae Shin and both of them (especially Jae Shin) are crying.

When I saw him get shot and die, I started bawling. I mean, I wanted the both of them to live happily ever after. I mean, he only just kissed her the day before! They were looking to spend their futures together (though they haven't said anything and Jae Shin was the only one to confess her feelings but you could totally tell that Shi Kyung was in love with her). It took me a few minutes to stop crying.

Unfortunately, I did not check to see if there were recaps to see how it ended because I thought the place I go to for recaps wouldn't have them because the show only came out this year. So, I was obviously not able to see how it ended. Throughout the entire time I've been watching the show (especially when I was getting closer to the end of it), I was thinking, Okay. Nothing really bad has happened so far that would mean one of the characters is killed. I'm happy with the conclusion already! And then I had to watch a video and see that it is not happily ever after and that I should have not started watching it at all. Okay, so the main couple got their happily ever after. But I also want secondary characters (like Shi Kyung and Jae Shin) to get their happily ever after (i.e. City Hunter with the lawyer and his ex-wife-soon-to-be-girlfriend).

Anyway, when I watched the second to last episode, where Shi Kyung is killed, I had tears in my eyes when he was dying and Jae Ha was crying and ordering him not to die. Then, when they showed memories and played Shi Kyung and Jae Shin's song ("First Love"), I immediately started bawling. Then, when Jae Shin received his dog tag, I was once again bawling. And when she received a video tape made by him and watched it, I... Okay, well, you know. In the video, he confessed to her that he loves her. Even from the moment they first met each other. As soon as they showed Jae Ha and the soldiers at his funeral, I immediately started getting tears in my eyes.

Then in the last episode, she says that she is going on a blind date the following day (this is four years later), his spirit or her imagination appeared to her and they chatted for a minute or so and I started getting tears in my eyes. Trust me. If I knew he was going to die, I would not have watched the show at all.

Now for Jae Ha and Hang Ah. Okay, so he's from the South and she's from the North. Both of them are taking part in the WOC as both Koreas are joining to make one team so that the relations between both countries are better. Well, anyway, she almost immediately falls in love with him and his love for her comes later on. She ends up heartbroken a couple of times because he was toying with her feelings several times and at one point he said that she's not a woman.

So anyway, the bad guy I mentioned earlier is trying to stop any peace between both Koreas from occurring just so he can stay rich and stuff. Well, within the last five or six episodes, the High Queen and Hang Ah are kidnapped. When both escape, Hang Ah goes missing while in the process of keeping the bad guys away from the High Queen. She ends up at this one couple's house and the wife quickly tells Hang Ah to leave as the husband is calling the Chinese military. Before she can escape, it's too late.

When she's kept at this prison, Jae Ha and the Royal Guard come to find her. As she's escaping from the Chinese guards, one of them shoots her and she collapses. Jae Ha runs to her and holds her, thinking she is dying. Well, I think she was only shot in the ankle because it was bloody. When they showed her getting shot, her body arched as if she was getting shot in the back. So, in the end, they got married and have a son after a lot of scary things going on such as the US planning on attacking North Korea, North Korea attacking South Korea, and South Korea retaliating.

Jae Ha told the guy who was watching the meeting between him and Hang Ah that, in the next five minutes, if he did not reach the decision to allow the marriage between the both of them, he was going to have the North Korean soldier, who was a sniper and also participated on the WOC team with Jae Ha, Hang Ah, Shi Kyung, and two others, shoot him right in the middle of the forehead so that it could start the war between the North and the South. Well, Hang Ah took the gun from the soldier and pointed it point blank at Jae Ha. She told him that she would see him soon after. This is because when she kills him, someone from the South will kill her. Well, the guy told them to lower their weapons which they all did after he asked Jae Ha if he would help the North which Jae Ha agreed to. So, for North and South Korea, happily ever after. That includes the bad guy behind bars for the rest of his life.

In the end, I thought it was a good show except for Shi Kyung getting killed. I just wish that I would have known there were recaps instead of automatically thinking they wouldn't be out because it started and finished this year that way I wouldn't have had to watch it. And in not watching it, I wouldn't have had to see Shi Kyung get killed, Jae Shin end up heartbroken, and me end up bawling.

I think I'm going to find a drama right now that ends in happily ever after for EVERYONE.


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