IRIS (Korean) - Hyun Joon & Sun Hwa

This show is faaaaar from what I've been watching. What I've seen in romance with drama and such. But this is so different. Yes, there was romance and drama but not to the extent that I would have liked. I did like the song “Hallelujah” by Big Bang. I did not care about the relationship between the characters Hyun Joon and Seung Hee.

I would hate to get on the bad side of either of the characters (especially Vick) since I do not want to get shot. Just watching them take people out had me on the edge of my seat. It is just so typical that if something goes wrong such as someone getting shot even after accomplishing a mission and is asking for help to get out, the boss wants nothing to do with the person. It is the whole If-you-go-down-you're-not-taking-me-with thing. I found it funny that everybody that hired Hyun Joon to do something wants him dead after he succeeds in his mission because he is just “too dangerous”. Then there are the car chases. It reminded me of the movies TheBourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The BourneUltimatum. I enjoyed the car chases in those. The chases were good for a drama but they are not on a level at all to the Bourne movies.

I like the relationship between Hyun Joon and Sun Hwa. Even though they are from each side of the Korean border and are enemies, there is just something about enemies in relationships. Little moments between them had me hoping they would end up together. One example is he shows her that even though she is his “hostage”, he is still kind enough to feed her and give her comforts. I did not like that when she asked about the story behind a statue, he pulls out of her grip after he allowed her to hold onto him. Another example is how the both of them started working together to figure out who killed certain people. I enjoyed all of the wiping of tears, covering up while taking a nap, and holding somone to keep from getting caught, holding hands, and drawing a thumb across lips.

And then at the end of one of the last episodes, Sun Hwa kind of admits her feeling to Hyun Joon when he asks her about Seung Hee. That was sad and when they said goodbye so that she could return to North Korea. It was sad that Sun Hwa fell in love with somebody and she could not have him. I was surprised to see her return and work with him again. I was scared that she would die when she jumped in front of Hyun Joon to save him from a bullet. Just goes to show what someone will do to protect the person they love. Well, at least she lived. Unfortunately, he died at the end of the season. So maybe it was unfortunate for her to live? Maybe it was unfortunate he died? Maybe it was one of the moments that is If-I-can't-have-you-nobody-can. Well, if she died, he could have still died. I do not know what it is with those two being together. Maybe I just enjoy the stories where the two people are on totally opposite sides. Either way, I still liked the two of them.

Overall, I could have skipped this show. It was not my type and the two people who I thought would have probably made a good pair did not happen. Well, at least I got a good song out of it.


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