
Showing posts from July, 2012

Smiling Pasta

Smiling Pasta (Taiwanese) - He Qun & Xiao Shi , Ah Zhe & Rita   I loved this show. There were some parts that ridiculous in a cute way and others that were hilarious. There were also other scenes that was sad because of what was going on and others that made me happy. I also loved the music. Now, here's what I have to say. One thing I loved occurred in the thirteenth episode between He Qun and Xiao Shi . Because Xiao Shi didn't listen to the administrator, she had to clean the Archive room. Well, when He Qun is in the room with her, the door shuts and locks them inside. He says that he read one way to keep calm was to remember what makes one happy at the moment. She starts listing them off and stuff and my heart just jumped when she kept on mentioning moments between the both of them. That was what made her happy and what she mentioned: moments where they were together. Then, I had butterflies in my stomach when they were about to kiss. LOVED!! And

Dae Mul

Dae Mul (Korean) - Do Ya & Hye Rim I liked this show. Though I did not know what was going on half of the time, I still liked it. The thing that I did not get was what was happening behind the scene in the political parties. Basically, what it comes down to is that everybody involved in the two main parties (or at least the heads of the parties) were bribing each other and accepting illegal funds to get what they wanted. It was like this: Person A bribed Person B who bribed Person C who bribed Person D who turned around and bribed C who was supported by Person E who bribed A... It was just chaotic for the first twenty-two or twenty-three episodes. Out of twenty-four! One thing I liked was how Do Ya was always there for Hye Rim. And he also hung out with her son. I also liked the last five or so minutes of the last episode. This is because he set up a very beautiful scene for her. There was a Christmas tree, a table with a lot of candle, and another table that had dinner

Queen In Hyun's Man

Queen In Hyun's Man (Korean) - Boong Do & Hee Jin   I loved this show. I know. I say that for almost all of the shows I watch. But this one is in the top five or top ten of the best shows I have watched since starting dramas. I thought that it would be boring because it was about a guy from 1694 and a woman from 2012 who meet. Well, I was totally wrong about that. It was EXCELLENT ! I found it funny when they meet for the second time because she faints. I would too if I saw someone suddenly appeared out of thin air. I also found it funny at the end of the sixteenth episode because they show him going through the interview process with her friend, Soo Kyung , for the third time. I think there were some other parts that were funny but I don't remember because what is staying with me are a few majorly sad parts. The first sad part is when Boong Do returns to 1694 and bad guys are waiting for him. Well, one of the bad guys ends up slicing the talisman

Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile (Japanese) - Shinichi & Megumi This was a cute drama. Though I didn't really care for the couple and what was going on majorly between the characters, there were places I found a little bit funny, and I also quite enjoyed the music. The one thing I laughed at was whenever someone would get hit and that person would end up flying a million miles away or would end up hitting a boulder or something in their path. One thing I liked was when  Shinichi  and  Megumi  were on the phone with each other and he ends up coming up behind her and hugging her. Actually, before that, when he gets into the cab to go to her hometown where she is at, he basically thinks to her as if she would hear,  You don't know how much it took for me to ask you to go with me . The week or so before he goes after her, he had asked her to go with him to Europe. Besides the story and stuff, I  loved  the music. Why? Hello!! Classical music! I was practically  raised  on classical music so

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (Japanese) - Kyohei & Sunako I liked this show because I just found it too cute. Unfortunately, this was a Japanese drama which meant it had only ten episodes. There was basically one story per episode and each of the four guys had an episode dedicated to themselves. One thing I liked between Kyohei and Sunako is when she first appears. It was so funny. It's a stormy night and the lights go out. I'm thinking to myself, What is this? Halloween? This would be a great time for it to be Halloween. He walks towards the balcony doors and she suddenly appears with her face and hands pressed against the glass. He is so scared that he falls down. I also found it funny whenever she was like, "Ma- Mabushi !" (Br-Bright!) WHACK! Whenever she would see his face, she would say that, and she would end up head-butting him. In one of the last two episodes, when she says that and is getting ready to head-butt him, he grabs

Switch Girl!!

Switch Girl!! (Japanese) - Arata & Nika This was cute. I just didn't like that it was eight episodes and each one was approximately twenty-six minutes long. Unfortunately, all Japanese dramas are like this where there is a small number of episodes and so the relationship between the two main characters is obviously rushed into. Other than that, this was cute. I liked how Nika was trying for her relationship with Arata . He saw the teacher forcibly kiss her and she had lied to Arata about what happened. It took a Valentine's Day Confession ceremony thing for them to get back together. I also liked that whenever Nika would cry over something sad such as their break-up, you would want to cry alongside her. I found Arata to be cee - ute without his "glasses" on. All in all, this was a cute drama with some parts I was scared of and some story lines I thought could be developed if only the Japanese were into long-running dramas (having fifteen to twenty

Ojakgyo Brothers

Ojakgyo Brothers (Korean) - Tae Hee & Ja Eun Just like a couple of my other posts, this one is long. So! Here I go! I quite enjoyed this show. For the first several times I would look at the name and find out how many episodes there were (58), I was like, No way. There is no way I am going to watch fifty-eight episodes. After watching a collaboration several times, I finally decided that I would just watch it because I couldn't find anything that sounded any better than this show. I am so glad I chose to watch it. In fact, this drama is longer than It Started With A Kiss and It Started With A Kiss 2 on their own and combined. Only by eight episodes but whatever. So, anyway, back to the show itself. I just loved Tae Hee and Ja Eun . I loved their interaction between each other. One scene I found funny was when he came home drunk one night and crawled into her tent. When he collapsed on her, she shrieked . And then she had to go and take photos of him passed out. A