Queen In Hyun's Man

Queen In Hyun's Man (Korean) - Boong Do & Hee Jin

I loved this show. I know. I say that for almost all of the shows I watch. But this one is in the top five or top ten of the best shows I have watched since starting dramas. I thought that it would be boring because it was about a guy from 1694 and a woman from 2012 who meet. Well, I was totally wrong about that. It was EXCELLENT!

I found it funny when they meet for the second time because she faints. I would too if I saw someone suddenly appeared out of thin air. I also found it funny at the end of the sixteenth episode because they show him going through the interview process with her friend, Soo Kyung, for the third time. I think there were some other parts that were funny but I don't remember because what is staying with me are a few majorly sad parts.

The first sad part is when Boong Do returns to 1694 and bad guys are waiting for him. Well, one of the bad guys ends up slicing the talisman in two and it causes everyone but Hee Jin in 2012 to forget him. She is made to believe she dreamt of him and is given false memories. In 1694, Boong Do forgets everything (the last day he remembers is March 1st) but everyone remembers what has happened in their time. It was sad that he couldn't remember her but she remembered him.

The second is when he is "killed" by arrows. So, this is what happens. Hee Jin and Soo Kyung are driving to eat when Hee Jin suddenly doesn't feel well. They pull over and she has her read from the online version of the book that keeps Hee Jin connected to Boong Do in 1694. Soo Kyung reads that he was killed. On the way to film (the director just called), Hee Jin faints and when Soo Kyung is worried, some idiot pulls in front of her, causing her to swerve and crash into a pole. Well, in the parking lot at the emergency entrance to the hospital, there is one ambulance and the one where both women are in pulls up. You see the paramedics from both vehicles caring for the patients. Hee Jin is carried in on her stretcher, her arm covering her eyes. The paramedics from the first patient come in with the person on a stretcher. While the doctor is asking Hee Jin where she hurts, she breaks down. I mean, she literally breaks down. I mean, she's crying uncontrollably, beating her chest, and nearly screaming. I thought they would have to restrain her or something. Later, you hear the nurses tell Soo Kyung that they had a patient who looked exactly like Boong Do and who also had the same wounds.

Well, we are given a One Month Earlier except that it's in 1694. Boong Do talks to the king and then we see Boong Do taking his servant, Han Dong, to a place in the forest. He tells him that, no matter what, when he is close to death, Han Dong is to take him to the place. At the interrogation of Boong Do and the bad guy. The king talks about the rumor of Boong Do using black magic to make his escapes. He then says that if the talisman causes Boong Do to disappear when arrows are shot at him, Boong Do will survive. If it doesn't make him disappear, he will be killed and the bad guy will be beheaded. He orders for the archers to shoot their arrows at Boong Do. Boong Do admits to the bad guy that the talisman had in fact been switched.

You get another flashback of there being two and Boong Do takes what is actually the fake one. The archers shoot their arrows which hit him. The king orders for Boong Do to be taken to the doctor. The doctor says that there is a pulse but it's too late for him. Someone from the palace tells him to call the time of death. The doctor is basically like, "What?" The guy basically tells him that it is a secret order from the king. Han Dong and Boong Do are at the spot and Han Dong puts the real talisman in Boong Do's clothes. He turns his back on Boong Do for a second to get something and Boong Do disappears, reappearing at the hospital behind the ambulance. We then see the paramedics coming out and seeing him. They rush to him when the ambulance carrying Hee Jin and Soo Kyung appears. When both women are in the hospital and Hee Jin is going crazy, you see Boong Do being carted towards the opposite side of the room. He is saved though!

The third is when Boong Do and Hee Jin are on a date and he suddenly disappears. He wasn't holding the talisman because she kept it in her apartment. Back in 1694, he looks up and sees the talisman floating down from the sky. He picks it up and it's turning black. In 2012, Hee Jin tries calling his phone but the voice recording says that the number does not exist. Come to find out about his sudden disappearance is that the woman who had given him the talisman to protect him had been killed. Boong Do ends up finding the guy who did it and ends up killing him.

The following morning, she is at the park where they were, waiting for him, and he goes to his monk friend about the talisman and the woman. Leaving, Boong Do goes back to where he appeared. After changing back into his suit, he takes his sword to his neck to see if the talisman would still work. Just as he is about to kill himself, he disappears and reappears in 2012. He calls her and she picks up. He asks where she is and she says in the park. He sees her and walks up to her while still on the phone. She sees him and just as he's several yards from her, he disappears again. NOOOOOO!!!!! They both fall to their knees and cry.

A month later, Boong Do arrives at the temple to see the monk who had written the talisman, only to find out the monk had reached nirvana. Returning home, he writes a letter to Hee Jin. In it, he says that if she reads it in the far future, he hopes she doesn't remember who it is for. He takes the talisman and burns it. What is the effect of burning the talisman? That is the question both of them had.

One year later, Boong Do is on the run, trying not to get caught. Boong Do is eventually caught and is on the way to the palace. Hee Jin is living a normal life, not remembering anything. Hee Jin gets a call from the director to narrate a documentary about a letter that had been found. In the recording studio, she says her lines and the guy sitting next to her reads the letter. Later on, the opening for the documentary is taking place at the palace. Her filming and him being taken to the palace is occurring at the same exact time. Just a difference of 318 years. Well, she is walking up to where he is when she passes through him. She ends up standing back-to-back with him. This is what dramabeans has to say about the color of the picture (which is totally better than what I could ever come up with): "...[B]oth of them are standing on the same ground in two totally different times. She's separated visually only by color while Boong-do and his surroundings remain in black and white...only the colors start to fade in and out, blurring the separation of their realities, however briefly..." Well, as Hee Jin is continuing on with her lines, she starts to becomes emotional with tears falling and her clutching her heart.

Later, she is waiting for a stop light to turn green and it starts raining. In 1695, Boong Do, who is in a cell, takes out his 2012 clothes and grabs his tie. He remembers when Hee Jin was telling him what the "use" for the tie was. He then makes it into a noose. He puts it around his neck, is ready to kick the stool, and is crying. When he hangs himself, she starts crying. She remembers there being something about "The Player". She checks her phone and there is nothing. She then remembers his number and starts dialing. When she is, a blue mystical light is projected from her phone. It's ringing!!! She then gets her memories back of him and she starts crying even worse, causing her to hyperventilate. She gets out and ends up sitting against the car in the rain.

She goes to the studio and and tells a guy she wants to see the documentary. He says it's not done because it's in the process of editing. He shows her what button to push to play the video and what button to use if she wants to fast forward. Before turning off the lights and leaving the room, the guy looks at her. She is so distant. She hears herself with her opening lines and then the guy who is reading the letter reads one sentence before it switches to Boong Do reading the letter. We see him as he's writing it. Memories of them together appear on the screen. The door opens and she's like, "Give me a moment." The person then asks why she didn't answer when he called an hour ago. She looks around and there is Boong Do!! It's like, What the frick?!

We then see that in 1695, after he hung himself, the phone started ringing!! He then tries getting out of the noose. It slowly unties itself from the rafter because he's moving around so much. Eventually it gives way and he falls onto the ground. He grabs the phone and answers. As soon as he slides the green button on the phone to answer, he disappears and reappears in 2013! He then says hello a couple of times before sitting up. When he does, he looks around and sees he's in 2013. He starts to smile and laugh. He then asks if "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World" could hear him and says hello again. He continues to laugh. Back in the viewing room, she tells him to walk over to her. He does and she stands up. She reaches out to touch his face. She is slow in doing so, probably because she is afraid he would disappear again. Which I don't blame her at all. I would think the same exact thing. In the end, they kiss, and it's happily ever after.

One happy scene was when Boong Do and Hee Jin were at his apartment for the first time. He kisses her and she stands on tip toe. She then stands on his feet to get closer and he slowly spins around in what I can only guess as dancing. You know how those moments are. Well, butterflies! when they were kissing. Then, in the beginning of the next episode, you see her roll over in his bed. Butterflies again!

Another happy scene that I don't have to explain because it's already been explained is the scene when he meets her in the viewing room when he returns to 2013 and you see how he escaped from 1695. Other happy scenes included them going on dates and such but that is all I can remember because the sad scenes are more prominent in my mind.

Well, that is the end of this post. On to finding the next drama!


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