Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile (Japanese) - Shinichi & Megumi

This was a cute drama. Though I didn't really care for the couple and what was going on majorly between the characters, there were places I found a little bit funny, and I also quite enjoyed the music.

The one thing I laughed at was whenever someone would get hit and that person would end up flying a million miles away or would end up hitting a boulder or something in their path. One thing I liked was when Shinichi and Megumi were on the phone with each other and he ends up coming up behind her and hugging her. Actually, before that, when he gets into the cab to go to her hometown where she is at, he basically thinks to her as if she would hear, You don't know how much it took for me to ask you to go with me. The week or so before he goes after her, he had asked her to go with him to Europe.

Besides the story and stuff, I loved the music. Why? Hello!! Classical music! I was practically raised on classical music so I knew some of the stuff the orchestra or the background music was playing.

Well, I won't make another post for a few days because I am going to find a longer drama to watch.


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