
Showing posts from January, 2018


SOTUS (Thai) - Kongpob & Arthit I know that I always say this about every show I watch, but: This. Was. An. Awesome. Show! I would even go as far as saying it was even better than both seasons of Together With Me . I really enjoyed watching the dynamics in Kongpob and Arthit's relationship. I like that Arthit was cruel on the outside while being a softy on the inside. When he first showed up in front of the freshmen and started yelling at them, I thought that he was a guy you did not want to get on his bad side. I guess you can say that he made me scared. I do love that he also slowly warmed up to the freshmen, even looking after them. Of course, if one of them got hurt or something, he would be in serious trouble. There was even a time where he was relieved of his duty as head hazer for a short period of time because of the way he taught. I also liked that he was not willing to show weakness or defeat when he was told by a senior to run fifty-four laps around


Addicted (Chinese) - Luo Yin & Gu Hai This was good and funny. But it also did have its sad moments. I enjoyed when Luo Yin and Gu Hai would always play tricks on one another. One example was when Gu Hai made cuts in Luo Yin's school jacket and another was when Luo Yin had sewn Gu Hai's jacket shut during gym class so that he could not get his head and arms through the openings. It was this back and forth between them for several episodes and I did enjoy each trick. It was also funny when Gu Hai stole one of Luo Yin's pieces of homework. Gu Hai had strange handwriting and when he saw Luo Yin's “perfect” handwriting on a piece, he took it so that he could practice. It was adorable when Gu Hai would buy stuff Luo Yin needed in the beginning. He bought him underwear, toilet paper, and even food because Luo Yin is poor so he only had very few pieces of clothing or did not eat. It is funny that, even though they are fighting, Gu Hai is still taking c

HIStory: Stay Away From Me

HIStory: Stay Away From Me (Taiwanese) - Cheng Qing & Feng He Right away, this was funny. It is funny that the first time they see each other consists of Cheng Qing and Feng He running away from crazed fans. I also wanted to beat Feng He because he was taking advantage of Cheng Qing by making him do this or that. Including putting all of his belongings away! You are the new tenant! It is your stuff! It is your dirty dishes! Do it yourself! And Meng Meng, right off the bat, has the craziest imagination when it came to Cheng Qing and Feng He. She is a fan of boy-love. The moment she found out they are now living together, her mind went to all possible places. Besides thinking, she writes fanfics about them, even follows them, taking photos of them walking side-by-side down the street. I think the first time Cheng Qing and Feng He felt something for each other is when Feng He pulled Cheng Qing back from being hit by a bicyclist. You can see it in their face

HIStory: Obsessed

HIStory: Obsessed (Taiwanese) - Yi Chen & Jing Teng I liked that this show was short on both time and episodes. Of course, that is what web dramas usually are comprised of: short run time and a small number of episodes. What happened in the beginning between Yi Chen and Jing Teng was sad before Yi Chen was killed and reborn to nine years before. The sad look on Jing Teng's face after he said he was marrying Yi Jun was telling. At least it was to me. Everything Jing Teng said or did when saying that showed he does not want to get married. It was also sad that Yi Chen did everything he could to stay away from Jing Teng after being reborn. Of course it is understandable because if you are given a second chance to change something from your past, especially if it leads to your untimely death, you would do everything you could to stop yourself from dying a second time. It was funny that the notations Yi Chen had made of Jing Teng blew away while he was

Together With Me/Bad Romance

Together With Me (Thai) - Korn & Knock I quite enjoyed this show. I am not usually one for Thai dramas (usually Korean or Taiwanese), but I could not pass this one up. I do not remember what made me decide to watch it but I knew I had to after watching a video of some sort. I liked watching the ups and downs of Korn and Knock's relationship since that is what all relationships go through whether the relationship is gay/lesbian or straight. I loved that they did end up together in the end. A happy ending always makes me happy. Now, with Knock's girlfriend, I wanted to beat the crap out of her at the end. In the first episode or two with her, I felt bad for her because she had no idea what was going on. But once I started to see her conniving self, I immediately wanted to beat her. Instead of sitting down and talking to him, she found ways to keep him by her side, even if it physically or emotionally hurt him. And I liked how Korn was honest with K

Ice Fantasy/Ice Fantasy Destiny

Ice Fantasy (Chinese) - Yan Da & Ying Kong Shi/Sword Spirit Shi/Li Tian Jin   I do not know where to start with this drama. I did like it but it was kind of long. It may have seemed like it because there was basically one story line with several components and not several stories. It may actually not be one story line but everything that happened revolved around Ka Suo, Kong Shi's brother. Even the second season was like that. The only difference was that it was much shorter with about a fifth of what the first had. Anyway...   I did watch the first several episodes in full but then I started skipping just to watch what was happening between Yan Da and Kong Shi. Their story was sad but beautiful. Now, I hate Romeo and Juliet with a passion but if I had to compare Yan Da and Kong Shi to someone, it would be Romeo and Juliet . I did like how they were. Yan Da was supposed to be this heartless, tempered princess from the Fire Tribe but she actually was a