SOTUS (Thai) - Kongpob & Arthit

I know that I always say this about every show I watch, but: This. Was. An. Awesome. Show! I would even go as far as saying it was even better than both seasons of Together With Me. I really enjoyed watching the dynamics in Kongpob and Arthit's relationship.

I like that Arthit was cruel on the outside while being a softy on the inside. When he first showed up in front of the freshmen and started yelling at them, I thought that he was a guy you did not want to get on his bad side. I guess you can say that he made me scared. I do love that he also slowly warmed up to the freshmen, even looking after them. Of course, if one of them got hurt or something, he would be in serious trouble. There was even a time where he was relieved of his duty as head hazer for a short period of time because of the way he taught. I also liked that he was not willing to show weakness or defeat when he was told by a senior to run fifty-four laps around the field since that it was he had told Kongpob to do.

With Kongpob, I liked that he always stood up for his fellow students. He even willingly accepted any punishment he received, no matter how cruel it was. I liked that he also helped out when the Engineering Department needed a guy to be the face of the department. He also wanted to prove to Arthit that he can win anything he is involved in to which he does. I always rooted for him whenever it came to school or love.

Now, for the both of them, I just loved them whenever they were together! I loved that Kongpob never backed down from the demands of Arthit, and I think it shocked Arthit that someone was actually standing up to him. Even though it was too early in the show, whenever Kongpob made Arthit speechless, I was like, “Ooohh! Does somebody have a crush? I bet you do!” towards Arthit. The time when Arthit had asked Kongpob what he would do if Arthit does not give a special necklace to Kongpob, and he replied that he would make him his wife because of the whole What-belongs-to-your-lover-belongs-to-you thing, I thought it was a funny answer because they would obviously end up together but at the same time it was not a funny answer because he almost got the crap beat out of him

There were a few sad moments between them such as Arthit being jealous of Kongpob or when Arthit did not want to listen to Kongpob confess his feelings and it left the both of them heartbroken while practically ignoring one another. There were also a few scenes (even if it was too early in the show) where I kept telling them to just kiss already because of the look on their faces.

After the official show was over, there was a bonus episode that featured behind the scene. The one unforgettable moment, because it made me laugh, was when they filmed the scene where Arthit is now a graduate and Kongpob is a third-year student and Kongpob tells Arthit that he has a duty to him as a boyfriend. After the scene was done filming, the actor playing Arthit practically melted against the stage and one of the crew members shouted, “Your heart just got melted!” because the look on his face while filming that scene was totally worth a thousand words. How can you not want to melt into a puddle of goo when your boyfriend just told you he has a duty to you as such. I do not know if that was the only shot or if there were others for that specific scene, but the look on his face was too good to not use because it was actually put in the show. Just thinking about Kongpob telling Arthit of his duty as his boyfriend and Arthit was wanting to melt into a puddle of goo on the floor makes me want to turn into a puddle!

Either way, awesome show! Totally worth only two hours of sleep between watching all fifteen episodes.

SOTUS S (Thai) - Kongpob & Arthit

The second season of SOTUS was just as good as the first. I enjoyed watching how everyone's relationship developed through this season. I especially enjoyed watching the ups and downs of Kongpob and Arthit's relationship. There were moments where I was happy for the both of them and others where I wanted to tell them (especially Arthit) that they are stupid for not doing something.

One moment was when Arthit found out Kongpob's father is the president of a manufacturing company, thus making Kongpob rich. Kongpob did not tell Arthit this, and Arthit stopped talking to him. It ended up making the both of them sad. I understand where the both of them are coming from. But it is not an excuse for Arthit to stop talking to Kongpob. There had to have been plenty of opportunities in their two-year relationship for them to get to know one another better. Here, Kongpob could have told Arthit that he is rich, and Arthit could have said that his dad worked at a factory and his mom worked at a supermarket or whatever they did. Arthit already knows Kongpob has two sisters while Kongpob knows Arthit is an only child. They have known this since before they even got together in the first season.

Another thing is that Arthit could have thought that, since Kongpob was rich, Kongpob would want Arthit to stay home or Arthit would not have to work hard for things. Arthit could have even thought Kongpob would want nothing to do with him since Kongpob is rich and Arthit is poor. Still, Arthit should have talked to Kongpob about his dad, and then they could have avoided all of the times they were not talking or were close to breaking up.

With Kongpob, I thought that if Arthit hated the fact that he was rich and would always stop talking to him over small things, then Kongpob would be better off breaking up with Arthit. If Arthit could not accept Kongpob for who he is, they should not be together.

One thing that was really sad was when they did break up. Arthit was afraid of what his coworkers would say about him kissing Kongpob so he went to great lengths to avoid him. Kongpob then had enough of Arthit's indecisiveness regarding their relationship. When Arthit could not answer Kongpob's question on whether or not Arthit wants Kongpob to stay with him, Kongpob told him that, until he can answer the question, he will return Arthit's gear to him. I had tears in my eyes because the both of them cried right after breaking up. But!, they ended up getting back together! Arthit admitted in front of everyone at the farewell party for the interns that he was in a relationship with Kongpob and that he loves him.

It is sad to see the series end. I wish it could go on and on forever. Watching how they got together in the first season to how they faced the world in this season was a wonderful experience. I am very happy to have watched this show because the relationship between Arthit and Kongpob is truly a beautiful thing.

Our Skyy: Episode 5 (Thai) - Kongpob & Arthit

I was so happy when I found out a month or so ago that there would Arthit and Kongpob would have an episode this month. I kept an eye on the internet as to when the episode would come out and then I started keeping an eye on the days. When it came out, I then started keeping an eye out for someone to come out with the episode subbed.

Even though it was only one, I am happy with it. I was happy to see that Arthit and Kongpob's relationship was still going strong even though it had been four years since they started dating. It was also good to see that their personalities did not change.

I will say that it was sad when Arthit was asking Prem about couples breaking up, and when Prem asked him if he was thinking about breaking up with Kongpob, he lied, saying he was just curious. Then Arthit had to go and try break up with Kongpob. I admit I started to cry when his voice cracked as he started to tell him that it is inevitable for them to break up. He then said that they should do that now so that he could keep their memories of being together happy. I was glad to see Kongpob basically say no and that if they are to break up in the end, he will see their relationship through to the very last day and smile at the end. It was good to see that even though Arthit did not really believe their relationship could last, Kongpob more than made up for that in believing. My thought was that Arthit was going to have to deal with having a long-distance relationship. If Kongpob was willing to fight for what they have then so can he.

In the last few minutes, I was happy to see Arthit join Kongpob at the airport when he was getting ready to leave. And I loved it when Kongpob slipped a couple ring onto Arthit's finger. I felt like they got married right then and there. And then Arthit was shown waiting for Kongpob to appear after having been away for some time.

There were two things I enjoyed from the show itself. The first was that scenes of their relationship since they met in the first season to the end of the second season were in it. The second was that their gear badges were shown as Kongpob was packing.

In the end, I am very happy with this episode. It is good to see Arthit and Kongpob's love for each other is still as strong as ever.


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