Together With Me/Bad Romance

Together With Me (Thai) - Korn & Knock

I quite enjoyed this show. I am not usually one for Thai dramas (usually Korean or Taiwanese), but I could not pass this one up. I do not remember what made me decide to watch it but I knew I had to after watching a video of some sort.

I liked watching the ups and downs of Korn and Knock's relationship since that is what all relationships go through whether the relationship is gay/lesbian or straight. I loved that they did end up together in the end. A happy ending always makes me happy.

Now, with Knock's girlfriend, I wanted to beat the crap out of her at the end. In the first episode or two with her, I felt bad for her because she had no idea what was going on. But once I started to see her conniving self, I immediately wanted to beat her. Instead of sitting down and talking to him, she found ways to keep him by her side, even if it physically or emotionally hurt him.

And I liked how Korn was honest with Knock about how he felt. Korn would say he loved him or that he was tired of dealing with Knock not knowing what he wanted and always going back to his girlfriend. I can't blame Korn. I would be the same way if my boyfriend or prospective boyfriend could not make up his mind on whether he wanted me or another woman.

And Yiwha! I LOVED her! She was so hilarious because she knew what needed to be done to get Korn and Knock together. And, she knew that Knock's girlfriend was always behind everything bad that happened to the two of them. Also, the ways she went about finding out Korn and Knock had slept together or the girlfriend was behind something was hilarious. But not all of the ways were hilarious. Some of the ways were serious because the effect of something was serious.

One more thing is that it was funny when Yiwha met Cho in the last few minutes of the last episode. You could definitely tell she is interested in Cho. I want those two to get together because there was that look between them.

I also enjoyed the relationship between Phubet and Kavitra. Him always trying to get her attention made me smile. Also, it was funny when Phubet lied to Kavitra about quitting school just so that he could kiss her for the first time and to know how she truly felt.

Now Bright and Farm's relationship was good and interesting while there were some kind of shocking aspects. There were a couple of times where it shocked me such as how Farm could still be with Bright while knowing he is a player. I mean, sure, Farm is the first person Bright has ever stayed with but it is not right to be with him, knowing Bright is out there every night with somebody new. Another thing that shocked me was not just what happened at Bright's house on Farm's birthday but also the result. The roles of these two were reversed! Farm at the beginning was this sweet, innocent guy now is a player while Bright, who was a player, now wants nothing to do with anybody new or old except Farm. It was so heartbreaking to see them change. Well, it was heartbreaking to see Farm become a player but it was also heartbreaking to see Bright heartbroken over this new Farm. If there is a third season, these two need to be in it so that their relationship can be resolved.

All in all, this was a good show, and I am glad I watched it.

Bad Romance (Thai) - Cho & Yiwha, Korn & Knock

I enjoyed watching this just like I did with TogetherWith Me. This is technically the second season even though it came out before the first season. A few aspects I did not care for because it was not the same between both seasons were Yiwha's friends, how Cho and Yiwha met, and also how Korn found out Knock was allergic to seafood, specifically shrimp.

I prefer Yiwha's friends in the first season as compared to the second season. I can always pretend that, in this season, she wanted to hang out with this group. I also prefer Cho and Yiwha meeting in the bar rather than meeting at Korn's apartment. Here, I can always think that it has been several months or however long and they pretend not to know each other. You know, the usual I-know-you-but-I'm-going-to-pretend-not-to routine. Besides, at the bar, they were totally flirting with one another, and you can tell that they were interested in getting to know each other by the time they were done talking. And with Korn and Knock, I prefer Korn finding out about Knock's allergy when they were kids rather than at lunch one day in college.

I liked how Yiwha still had her crazy imagination here. Some of the things she imagined in both seasons were some of the most outrageous things. Talk about needing to facepalm onesself.

I did like how Cho never stopped trying to get with Yiwha, even if she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Also, even though he was not in good situations such as being drugged or almost poisoned, I liked that her true emotions could be heard in her voice when she was calling his name. I also like that when she was lost in the woods because of idiotic James, the only name she called out for in desperation was Cho. I just can't understand why she willingly accepted James over Cho.

And can I just say that I called out the bear? When Yiwha came home one day, there was a huge bear sitting on her couch. I thought, “That would be so funny if that is actually Cho sitting there in a bear costume." That night, when she came out of her room, the bear still hadn't moved. I was beginning to doubt my original thought while a part of me still hoped it was him. Sure enough, once the bear started to move, I knew I was right. In the end, I'm happy they got together.

Now Korn and Knock: I would say they were separated a lot more than they were together. I think it all started when there was a school activity in the first episode (I think) that Korn did not think Knock would be interested in or would not be suited for. And that led to misunderstandings and fights. Finally, it led to them reconciling after everyone was in danger. And, it led to the greatest moment that could happen in anyone's lives: Korn proposed to Knock! I was so happy!

Once again, I am glad I watched this. I even enjoyed watching this series!


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