
Addicted (Chinese) - Luo Yin & Gu Hai

This was good and funny. But it also did have its sad moments. I enjoyed when Luo Yin and Gu Hai would always play tricks on one another. One example was when Gu Hai made cuts in Luo Yin's school jacket and another was when Luo Yin had sewn Gu Hai's jacket shut during gym class so that he could not get his head and arms through the openings. It was this back and forth between them for several episodes and I did enjoy each trick. It was also funny when Gu Hai stole one of Luo Yin's pieces of homework. Gu Hai had strange handwriting and when he saw Luo Yin's “perfect” handwriting on a piece, he took it so that he could practice.

It was adorable when Gu Hai would buy stuff Luo Yin needed in the beginning. He bought him underwear, toilet paper, and even food because Luo Yin is poor so he only had very few pieces of clothing or did not eat. It is funny that, even though they are fighting, Gu Hai is still taking care of Luo Yin. He even took care of Luo Yin's father by giving him a place to work without anyone knowing what he was doing.

Even though it was a sad moment for Gu Hai, Luo Yin did not want to tell him that his girlfriend was cheating on him, something a fellow classmate saw. Their classmate wrote a note to Luo Yin about her, and when Gu Hai would not leave Luo Yin alone about wanting to know what it said, Luo Yin regretfully wrote that his girlfriend was cheating.

It was sad that, when Luo Yin found out Gu Hai knew Luo Yin's mother had married Gu Hai's father, he was not accepting of Gu Hai, let alone their feelings for one another. Of course, Gu Hai did hide the fact their parents married each other for a while so I can't really blame Luo Yin for being angry.

I hate Luo Yin's ex-girlfriend, Shi Hui, because she would not leave him alone. She threatened to call his dad every day just so Luo Yin would pay attention to her. She even went so far as to threaten to take her life somewhere in the last few episodes because he still is ignoring her. I also can't believe that in the very last episode, the last few minutes, Shi Hui shows up in front of him. He is in class with Gu Hai sitting right behind him when she sits next to Luo Yin.

Talk about a cliff hanger!! There must be a second season! I can't bear for there to be such an ending! Does Luo Yin end up with Shi Hui, even though he has told her he does not want to be with her? Or does he end up with Gu Hai?

Either way, I enjoyed this show. Even with its cliff hanger!


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