Ice Fantasy/Ice Fantasy Destiny

Ice Fantasy (Chinese) - Yan Da & Ying Kong Shi/Sword Spirit Shi/Li Tian Jin


I do not know where to start with this drama. I did like it but it was kind of long. It may have seemed like it because there was basically one story line with several components and not several stories. It may actually not be one story line but everything that happened revolved around Ka Suo, Kong Shi's brother. Even the second season was like that. The only difference was that it was much shorter with about a fifth of what the first had. Anyway... 

I did watch the first several episodes in full but then I started skipping just to watch what was happening between Yan Da and Kong Shi. Their story was sad but beautiful. Now, I hate Romeo and Juliet with a passion but if I had to compare Yan Da and Kong Shi to someone, it would be Romeo and Juliet.

I did like how they were. Yan Da was supposed to be this heartless, tempered princess from the Fire Tribe but she actually was a kind-hearted princess who only wanted to please her father, a friend, and to be in love. Kong Shi was supposed to be this prince from the Ice Tribe who was tough on the inside and outside and did not care about anybody else except for his brother and mother when all he wanted to do was be happy and care-free. Even though they were supposed to be enemies and kill one another, they always tried to save the other from a marriage or from death.

I also did like how they came to care about each other very much, even going so far as to loving each other. At least, Yan Da was in love with Kong Shi towards the halfway point (maybe even somewhere in the beginning), and I do not know when he came to develop very strong feelings for her. In the very last episode, he must have loved her because he was shocked at her sudden death and cried a tear. Even though he was supposed to be tough, he cried for his “enemy”. And for her, she was upset that they could not be together, even if it was to play games. And also, she did not know if she was in his heart. I wish they could have confessed their feelings for one another.

Even though they did not get their happily ever after, I enjoyed their story.

Ice Fantasy Destiny (Chinese) Yan Da/Yan Zhu & Ying Kong Shi/Ma Tian Shi

All I can say about this season is thank God this one was short. I will take a single story line with sixteen episodes that are about forty minutes long over a single story line that has sixty-two episodes that are also about forty minutes long. I was happy to see that some of the minor characters from the first season return for this one. I am just very curious as to why Victoria Song did not return as Li Luo's reincarnation but as a minor character. Everybody else's reincarnation looked exactly the same. Must be a reincarnation thing? Anyway...

Just like with the first season, I skipped through to look for Yan Da and Kong Shi. I like how each of their characters still had their personality from thousands (maybe millions) of years ago. And once again, they do not get their happily ever after.

I like how Yan Da was still trying to save Kong Shi from everything that she could. Even when the evil part of herself took over, she was still able to pull herself through to stab herself with the God Devouring Sword before the evil could stab Kong Shi. And just like with the first season, he was shocked and cried. Unfortunately (besides her death and them not getting together), he told her that he loves her too late and that was so sad. He knew how she felt about him, and she did not know how he felt for her. Their feelings for one another should have definitely been settled in this season instead of asking the does-he-doesn't-he question. And I was on the verge of crying because this moment was so sad because she was dying once again without knowing and he was watching her leave him again.

Another thing I liked was how this season kind of put a darker tone or something to their relationship as compared to the first. In the first, even though there were some darker moments, there was some light to it such as looking at fireworks or smiling at each other because of something funny or happy. This season, there were no moments like that. This one just had more serious dynamics for them.

One more thing I liked was when they were talking in his “masterpiece”. He appeared to wipe a tear off of her cheek and told her not to cry.

Even though they once again did not get their happily ever after, I enjoyed this. If there ever is to be a third season, Kong Shi and Yan Da must, must, must end up together!


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