HIStory: Stay Away From Me

HIStory: Stay Away From Me (Taiwanese) - Cheng Qing & Feng He

Right away, this was funny. It is funny that the first time they see each other consists of Cheng Qing and Feng He running away from crazed fans. I also wanted to beat Feng He because he was taking advantage of Cheng Qing by making him do this or that. Including putting all of his belongings away! You are the new tenant! It is your stuff! It is your dirty dishes! Do it yourself!

And Meng Meng, right off the bat, has the craziest imagination when it came to Cheng Qing and Feng He. She is a fan of boy-love. The moment she found out they are now living together, her mind went to all possible places. Besides thinking, she writes fanfics about them, even follows them, taking photos of them walking side-by-side down the street.

I think the first time Cheng Qing and Feng He felt something for each other is when Feng He pulled Cheng Qing back from being hit by a bicyclist. You can see it in their faces when they are studying and sneaking glances at one another. When Meng Meng tries to help them realize their feelings for one another, Feng He is accepting of his feelings for Cheng Qing and is willing to risk everything while Cheng Qing is scared of what people would think. It is sad when Feng He finally goes off on Cheng Qing and leaves the house, causing Cheng Qing to start crying. And after their “talk”, Feng He does everything he can to avoid Cheng Qing, starting that night by leaving the house and putting the house keys along with a note on the table. Also he shows up late to class and is one of the first to leave when it is over.

When Feng He got out of the company van and was walking towards Cheng Qing, that scene reminded me of pretty much all movies where the good guy or the villain steps out of the fancy car, wearing sunglasses and a million dollar suit or dress, and they are walking along as if they own the world. Anyway, in the end, I am happy that they talked things over and now Cheng Qing is accepting of his feelings. And now they are together!


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