
Showing posts from March, 2012

Autumn's Concerto

Autumn's Concerto (Taiwanese) - Guang Xi & Mu Cheng O-o-o-oh!! This show was so sad! Okay, not as sad as the three shows I watched in which one of the main characters ends up getting killed off. So, this is what's sad: Mu Cheng's "step-father" sexually harassed her; Guang Xi ended up having a tumor; his mother forced Mu Cheng to leave; he tried to stop her but right after she left, her "step-father" came out with a knife and stabbed him!; when he came out of surgery for the tumor, he did not remember anything; it was six years later that they saw each other again... I mean, the list goes on and on and on... WHEW! That was exhausting just mentioning those very few. Now, to be happy! Though Guang Xi and Mu Cheng were together for only one night, she ended up pregnant! Unfortunately, Xiao Le did not get to meet his father until he came to the village to help the people. It was sad that, after Guang Xi remembered everything, he wanted revenge on eve

My Girl

My Girl (Korean) - Gong Chan & Yoo Rin This was another good drama. I liked it. It was funny when Yoo Rin lied about her boyfriend or whomever was leaving. She even had one of the attendants in the airport in tears. And then, on the plane, it was funny when she "collapsed" in front of Gong Chan. Not only that, but later on in the series, once again they were at the airport because he was leaving to go somewhere and something was said between both of them. She pretended to be pregnant with his child and basically throw a fit and cry in front of all of the people. He ended up getting a lot of them staring at him and be like, "How can you do that to your wife?!" Even on the plane, one of the women sitting across the aisle from him was giving him a dirty look. That was so hilarious. It was sad when she was thrown out of the house. It was also sad when he just missed her at the International Airport. There were some sad moments that I can't remember because

Shining Inheritance

Shining Inheritance (Korean) - Hwan & Eun Sung I enjoyed this show. Heck, I LOVED IT!! I mean, it kept me on my feet. I don't know what else I can say about this show. Maybe I can say that I enjoyed it because this wasn't another show in which one of the main characters is killed off. It seems like forever since I watched a show that didn't involve killing someone off. Yes, I made sure that I wouldn't be watching another show like the three I have watched before I started watching it. Anyway, I had a love/hate relationship with Hwan. I loved him because he was good-looking and the main character. I hated him because, in the beginning, he was so errogant. When he was told by his grandmother to apologize to the manager of the first restaurant, he threw money at the manager! He most likely thought that money grew off of trees and that every problem could be solved by throwing money at it. Even his mother and sister were the same. So, they all ended up getting taugh

Tree of Heaven

Tree of Heaven (Korean) - Yoon Suh & Hana I enjoyed this show. There were moments when it was happy and moments when it was sad. One thing I found unbelievable was the fact that every time something happened, Hana's aunt would hit her! I kept thinking that Hana just needed to turn around and get physical with her aunt rather than just taking the beatings! But no. One thing I liked was when she went to his hotel room on his birthday. The room looked so romantic. There were a lot of candles lit and a lot of her favorite rose was spread throughout the room. When I saw the room, I was in shock. I thought I was going to die with how beautiful the room looked. One thing that was sad was when Yoon Suh told Hana to marry Ryu. I was like, What?! You love her! She loves you! How can you tell her to marry somebody else?! And on her wedding day to Ryu, she was not happy. She couldn't even smile because she was so sad. And that made me sad because she should be marrying Yoon Suh. Not

Taiyou no Uta

Taiyou no Uta (Japanese) - Koji & Kaoru I liked this show. I thought that they rushed into Koji and Kaoru getting to know each other. But then I remembered that there was only ten episodes to the drama so I shut up about how fast they got to know each other. I liked Kaoru's song, "Stay With Me." It was really nice: Nice lyrics, tune, et cetera. I also liked how he protected her from the sun when they were stuck on the Ferris Wheel. That was so sweet of him. I also like that he did things with her and always hung out with her. The one thing I do not like is that they killed her off. I understand that she has XP and that she would not be able to live past the age of twenty, but by the grace of God, let there be a miracle. Like a cure or it is suddenly gone. I understand that the creators are keeping it as if it was a real life situation, but it is fake. Make things up or something! Aish!

Cinderella's Sister

Cinderella's Sister (Korean) - Ki Hoon & Eun Jo I liked this show. It was pretty cute. I just didn't like that there were parts where it was so boring. I mean, I think that I was zoning out at some parts! I think that it was the middle of the season that was boring me to death. It was the same thing over and over again. She hates him for leaving; he hates her for not stopping him; she hates her because she is so clingy; she wants to be loved by her; they are worrying about how to solve the problem with the winery... Same old, same old. I thought that it was sad when Ki Hoon was leaving for his military training and Eun Jo didn't stop him because she didn't get his letter until somewhere in the last two or three episodes of the show. I liked it when he was coming back from the prosecutor's office and told her that he was thinking about her. I didn't like the last episode, specifically the last several minutes or so. Besides the fact that Eun Jo left for a f

49 Days

49 Days (Korean) - Han Gang & Ji Hyun , Scheduler & Ji Hyun , Scheduler/ Yi Soo & Yi Kyung I liked the couples Han Gang and Ji Hyun , and Scheduler and Ji Hyun . I didn't like Scheduler/ Yi Soo and Yi Kyung as much. I admit that they had a sad story but I didn't like them as a couple so much. I had to add their photo here because if I didn't, I would have a million people jumping down my throat. I quite enjoyed this show. I mean, I loved it. I especially loved Scheduler. He was so funny and awesome. In one of the early episodes, when Ji Hyun used her phone to call him who was at a dance club, they showed him being zapped by his phone. It was so hilarious, I shrieked with laughter. I don't think I could stop laughing for about five minutes. I hit my piano a couple of times. That's how bad I was laughing and how funny that scene was. The only thing I didn't like about it was the last episode of it. They ended up killing Ji Hyun off.

Mary Stayed Out All Night

Mary Stayed Out All Night (Korean) - Mu Gyul & Wi Mary Once again, I liked this show. I found it sad that Mary's father had her married without her permission. So, she ended up getting Mu Gyul to pretend to be her husband though she was actually married to somebody else. There were some happy and sad moments. One sad moment was the day she was having the wedding. He showed up to tell her not to get married. Something happened and he turned around and left. Later on, he found out from their friends that she did not get married and that her husband had signed the divorce papers. One year later, Mu Gyul and Mary were still together.

Coffee Prince

Coffee Prince (Korean) - Han Kyul & Eun Chan I thought that this was a cute show. It was funny when everybody thought that Eun Chan was a guy. Hello! She's a tomboy! It was sad that she had to take on as many jobs as she could so that she could pay rent and also for her sister's schooling. She took on a job at Han Kyul's coffee shop because she needed more money so she had to act like a guy. I felt bad for Han Kyul because when he was beginning to like Eun Chan, he thought that he was becoming gay. I'll admit that in one of the episodes when he kisses "him" and tells "him" that he doesn't care anymore that "he" is a guy, I was happy. I don't think it matters if you are straight, gay, lesbian, or bi. Love is love. You can't help who you fall in love with. This is my view on love. If anybody thinks that my view is wrong, then yours has to also be wrong. Anyway... Eventually, Han Kyul finds out that Eun Chan is a woman

Protect the Boss

Protect the Boss (Korean) - none Unfortunately, there is not much to say about this. It was an okay show. Granted I thought that it would be a great show after watching an episode or two (a few shows took an episode or two before I started getting into them, sometimes it would take a music video of the couple (after watching the first couple of episodes) to keep me watching), but it didn't happen for me. The last five or six episodes, I just skimmed through them, looking for the main couple and not seeing much going on. So, I'm going to leave it at that. UPDATED!! Couple - Moo Won & Na Yoon Okay, so, it's been forever since I wrote this post. And now it's June 30. Well, recently, I watched a video collab that used a specific couple from this show. I had to find out who the couple was and what show it also was. It was Moo Won and Na Yoon from here. So, I decided to go back through all of the episodes and watch only the scenes that had the both of

Drunken to Love You

Drunken to Love You (Taiwanese) - Jie Xiu & Xiao Ru I liked this show. I thought it was funny when they got married (though drunk), got divorced (not drunk), and wanted to get married again (not drunk and this time "for real"). I felt bad for the poor worker at the marriage office. They got married, then divorced, then married, and then, what? Divorce then married then divorced? I can understand their thought process on that. Though they hated each other at the beginning, they did end up falling in love.

Boys Over Flowers

Boys Over Flowers (Korean) - Yi Jung & Ga Eul Now, there's not much to this show. This show was about this main couple who I don't give a crap about. Now, this is the couple to care about. In the beginning Yi Jung and Ga Eul didn't like each other. Yi Jung was like a womanizer. Ga Eul only hung out with him and his three friends because the leader of the group was hanging out with her friend. When the show got extremely boring and only followed the main characters, I would speed through the episode, specifically looking for Yi Jung and Ga Eul , and watched those scenes. Eventually, Yi Jung and Ga Eul begin to like each other and then fall in love. But they don't say a word. In the final episode, Yi Jung said to Ga Eul that he had to leave the country for a couple of years and that when he got back, the first thing he was going to do would be to look for her. So, after a couple of years, he returned, and guess what the first thing he did was. He looked for

My Princess

My Princess (Korean) - Hae Young & Lee Seol This was an excellent show. I just loved Park Hae Young and Lee Seol . They made such a perfect couple. It was so sad at times like when he had left her behind in that one town so that he could make that press conference and tell everybody what happened. Then when she returned to the palace and was banging on his door and he answered and they got into an argument. And then there was the time when she thought that he thought his job was more important than them being together because he was going to America (I think). And he sat the engagement ring on the fountain by her and turned around and left. I loved it when she was driving on a race track I think it was. [This is before the whole engagement thing.] You see a car come around the corner, speeding, gets behind her, honks, she's waving and yelling for the person to go around, then finally the person does. The person then stops a distance in front of her and gets out. It's PA

Lie to Me

Lie to Me (Korean) - Ki Joon & Ah Jung I loved this show. There were funny and sad parts that happened between Ki Joon and Ah Jung. I'm only going to talk about two things quickly. Both of these are when they kiss. And we all know that they end up together in the end after a misunderstanding or two. The first kiss they had was when they were singing karaoke at his house. Because Ah Jung was pretending to be married to Ki Joon and live with him, she had a house warming party with her friends invited. Well, the both of them sang a duet. At one point, he stopped singing because he was most likely overcome with sudden love for her. He dropped his microphone and kissed her. They kissed passionately in front of her friends, not that I care. And then, maybe halfway through the show, when she was in the bathroom or something, he took the Coke bottle she sat out so that she could get some to drink, shook it up really hard, sat it down quickly, and pretended nothing happened. When s

You're Beautiful

You're Beautiful (Korean) - Tae Kyung & Mi Nam/Mi Nyu I loved this show. I loved the music and the trouble that Mi Nam/Mi Nyu causes Tae Kyung , Shin Woo, and Jeremy. Because Mi Nyu's brother, Mi Nam, is in America for eye surgery, she has to pretend to be him. So funny. One scene I love that doesn't happen between Tae Kyung and "Mi Nam" happens between her and Jeremy. When she arrives to the house, she meets Jeremy on the patio. Well, he takes a hose and sprays her. At one point, she shakes her hair and it's like those lame commercials on TV where the women shake their hair. Well, anyway, Jeremy is "captivated" and then says something. As he is just about to spray "Mi Nam" again, he himself ends up getting sprayed. This time by Shin Woo who has a hose. When "Mi Nam" rushes to get into the house, Jeremy starts to get up and ends up getting sprayed again. Talk about funny. Another funny scene involves Tae Kyung , Shin

Myung Wol, the Spy

Myung Wol , the Spy (Korean) - Choi Ryu & In Ah There's not much to say about this show. The main couple didn't attract me as much as I thought it would. And obviously it was all about North Korea wanting this "great" actor from South Korea to be an actor for them. Eventually the female North Korean agent falls in love with the South Korean actor who happens to love her in return. Didn't much attract me. Now, the couple that didn't start out as a couple. Choi Ryu , a North Korean agent, acts as a bodyguard for In Ah who is from South Korea. Through little things here and there, you can see them getting over themselves and start liking each other. I hated the last episode of this show because Myung Wol and Choi Ryu end up in an accident that propels them off of a cliff and their car catches on fire. Well, one year later, Myung Wol shows up without a scar on her and ends up marrying the actor. Well, at their wedding, In Ah leaves for her car as so

City Hunter

City Hunter (Korean) - Yoon Jung & Na Na, Young Joo & Sae Hee I liked this show, all except for the almost constant killing. It was quite interesting as to who killed all but one from this sniper group. Well, the one who survived kidnapped this woman's newborn baby boy and raised him as his own. I thought that the main couple were cute. I don't remember much because they didn't catch my attention as much as the other couple. Yoon Jung is City Hunter. As he catches each of the five bad guys who had the sniper group killed, he sends them to Prosecutor Young Joo . In the last few episodes, just when Young Joo is slowly getting back together with his ex-wife, Sae Hee , he gets a text from "City Hunter," telling him to meet him somewhere. He goes and he tries by himself to stop one of the bad guys and his minions. He sends a text to Yoon Jung where a book is and ends up getting hit over the head with a crowbar or something. Yes, he ends up dying. Poor


Heartstrings (Korean) - Lee Shin & Gyu Won The first thing to talk about: The music. LOVED IT!! I absolutely, positively, undeniably, loved the music. At times, it always had me either jamming in my seat or on my bed. Heck, I have four songs from the show on my CD in my Jeep and I plan on getting more of the songs. Anyway. Now Lee Shin and Gyu Won. What can I say? Lee Shin prefers to play Western music while Gyu Won prefers to play traditional music. Two worlds colliding into one. At first, they hate each other because they think their type of music is better than the other. Eventually, they fall in love. To show everybody that they are going out with each other and for nobody to harm Gyu Won, Lee Shin calls her to the hang-out where he is performing. After one of the songs, he beckons her forward and kisses her in front of everybody in the building. Talk about, AHHHHHH !!!! I found that to be nice. There were times where they argued and it was sad (even before they started

Scent of a Woman

Scent of a Woman (Korean) - Ji Wook & Yeon Jae I loved this show. I quite enjoyed it. It was sad when Yeon Jae found out she had cancer and only had six months to live. It was also sad because she didn't tell anyone about it, so she had to live with the idea all by herself. During one of the episodes halfway through, her friend got mad about something and basically was deciding for them not to be friends anymore. Yeon Jae then tells her that she has cancer and that she was going to die in a matter of months. Then it was only the two of them who knew. When Yeon Jae wasn't answering her phone when Ji Wook would call or see him or anything, he decided to follow her friend which led him to the hospital. He followed her to the cancer ward and found out that Yeon Jae has cancer. It was sad when you would see his reaction every time he would remember that she wouldn't be with him any longer. One thing I did love was episode eight. Yeon Jae has been learning tango

Playful Kiss

Playful Kiss (Korean) - Seung Jo & Ha Ni I also loved this. Yes, this is a version of Itazura na Kiss . I loved Baek Seung Jo. He was so hot!! Whenever he smiled, I was fanning myself. What can I say about him? Oh! And he can play the guitar and sing! Talk about stealing my heart. So, anyway! One scene I loved between Seung Jo and Ha Ni is episode four when the family and Ha Ni's friends are at the beach. She goes in to rescue Eun Jo and ends up nearly drowning too because she doesn't know how to swim. Well, Seung Jo goes to save her (one of Ha Ni's friends goes to save Eun Jo). When he is walking her onto the beach, he's yelling at her to stay still, they trip, fall, and she lands on him and clings to him. Oh! Talk about how romantic! And another scene from that episode is when they are all going to the beach and they play a word game on the RV. The last word of a saying somebody says is the first word of a saying the next person says. Well, one of the g

It Started With A Kiss

It Started With A Kiss (Taiwanese) - Zhi Shu & Xiang Qin , Ah Jin & Christine, Yu Shu & Hao Mei What can I say about this? I LOVED IT! I STILL DO! Okay, so ISWAK is a spin-off of Itazura na Kiss which is also awesome. But about this... When Zhi Shu was always mean to Xiang Qin , it was sad. In the seventh episode when he finally kisses her, I mean, he, like - I don't know how to explain it. He goes in for it. And then when he stops and looks around, basically thinking, What did I do? What is this? , you can see it on his face. I'm thinking, Awww . And then he sticks out his tongue and it's like, Oh, I hate you, you big meanie . And then in the eighteenth episode when Yu Shu gets sick and Zhi Shu rushes to the hospital to Xiang Qin and he holds her while she cries, once again, it's like, Awwwwwww !!! I mean, it was so beautiful given the circumstances. And when they are in Yu Shu's hospital room, looking over him, I a